Parametric Urban Patterns

Parametric Urban Patterns
Exploring and integrating graph-based spatial properties in
parametric urban modelling

Martin Bielik1, Sven Schneider2and Reinhard König3
Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany,
[email protected],[email protected],
[email protected]

This article by Martin Bielik, Sven Schneider and Reinhard König presents a graph-based spatial analysis toolset (“decoding spaces”components) which authors have recently developed as an extension of the visual scripting language Grasshopper3D for Rhino.

These tools directly integrate spatial analysis methods into CAD design software which can have a significant effect on current design workflows. However, grasshopper doesn’t only enable the results of analyses to be used in the standard Rhino modelling environment.

It also makes it possible to integrate spatial analysis into a parametric design approach as discussed in this paper. The functionality of this toolset is demonstrated using a simple urban design scenario where authors introduce the idea of parametric patterns based on graph-measures.

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