Parametric Urbanism
Most of the contemporary cities today tend to integrate landscape into their infrastructure of water harvesting, land reclamation, and transportation by reclaiming them as the new system of public space. In this context, landscape urbanism suggests new methodologies to design and organize that comprehensive and complex integration process. The question of organizing that integration has already become a prominent question both in practice and research. With the new interpretation of the landscape concept, landscape urbanism can be a new sustainable approach to urban design field in a wider framework of infrastructure and territory. From this standpoint, this thesis by Sadik Deniz Akman discusses the emerging approaches in landscape urbanism from a methodological perspective. While landscape architecture is used to be understood with a simplistic reduction of ‘design with nature,’ modern city planning has already proved its limited disciplinary capability to manage the complexity of urban formation under the dynamic influence of a suite of urban realms and ecological factors.
Giving the fact that landscape architecture needs to be provided with more strategic perspectives on urban form and city planning that require more robust tools and techniques to deal with the cities by controlling the territorial flows and networks, a possible coalition of the two disciplines (i.e. landscape architecture and urban planning) can emerge as a new field. Landscape urbanism, in this context, requires a search for new methodologies providing an alternative outlook on both representation and design. In this framework, this research mainly discusses the emerging techniques applied in the recent design and research projects in landscape urbanism. The study mainly focuses on the issue of design tools and techniques applied in the field. Not only the existing design methods but also a possible alternative will be eventually argued in the proposed study.
In this context, the London Olympic Park is selected as a case and the proposed model is tested via the design algorithm applied on a real basis. Rather than focusing on the end-product, the study of design modelling rather aims to open up a discussion on the process itself by applying the method of parametric modelling in urban context. The research finally concludes the overall discussion with the alternative design patterns for the selected case study area.
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