Adaptive Fabrication Cellular Concrete Casting Using Digital Moulds

Adaptive Fabrication

This paper by Zubin Khabazi and Michael Budig will present a research, focusing on the use of concrete through the development of a custom-designed device, which is an adjustable digital mould. 

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Computational design and digital fabrication have expanded the use of digital manufacturing machineries for the realization of architecture, yet they have their own limitations of material use. These limitations caused some materials like cement, plaster and clay become marginal in this new digital context, despite their vast use in the building industry. In this context, this paper by Zubin Khabazi and Michael Budig will present a research, focusing on the use of concrete through the development of a custom-designed device, which is an adjustable digital mould.

This digital mould has been designed specifically for a project called Procrystalline Wall and has been ‘adapted’ to the conditions of its agenda in terms of size, shape, typology, and even technical matters. However, this adaptability means that the device is not aimed to work for any other project and remain exclusive to this particular design only. This paper will further discuss the validity and obstacles of the presented method in a more global context.

Adaptive Fabrication Cellular Concrete Casting Using Digital Moulds

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