Parametric Optimization
3d graphic statics Table
In this grasshopper example file you can use the 3d graphic statics Plug-in to convert a Pyramid int...
Bamboo Parametric Pavilion
In this grasshopper example file, you can create a Parametric Bamboo Pavilion using the tween curves...
Bounding Box Opt.
In this definition you can learn how to optimize a bounding box of a solid by using Galapagos and by...
Circle Packing Dome
In this grasshopper example file, you can Use the Kangaroo 2 Plugin to model a parametric dome uding...
Discrete Design
In this grasshopper example file, you can design parametric 3d patterns based on a Discrete method.
Graphic Static Bridge
n this grasshopper example by defining a force diagram you can model an optimized lattice structure...
Hamiltonian Path
A Hamiltonian path is a path in an undirected or directed graph that visits each vertex exactly once...
Kangaroo Form Finding
in this grasshopper example file, you can Model an optimized form with Physical Form Finding Methods...
Kangaroo Parametric Dome
In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Shortest Walk Plugin to generate a series of short...
Kangaroo Shell Structure
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a kangaroo mesh by using the Fields component and t...
Kangaroo Vertices
In this grasshopper kangaroo example file, you can design a parametric tensile structure with Kangar...
Lloyds Relaxation
In this grasshopper example you can refine a mesh by using the Lloyds algorithm and the Stella3d plu...
Lunchbox Weave Pavilion
in this grasshopper example file, you can use the LunchBox Plugin to model a parametric pavilion wit...
Modular Waffle
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric modular waffle structure using polygon...
Optimized Column
In this Grasshopper example file You can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a central Column for suppo...
Optimized Roof
In this Grasshopper example file you can use The tOpos Plugin to model an optimized column for a roo...
Optimized Vase
In this grasshopper definition, you can connect your geometrical parameters to the “gene” input of B...
Paneling Fabrication
In this grasshopper example file you can convert a Nurbs surface to triangular panels and then use s...
Parametric Bench
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric Bench by defining a series of section...
Parametric Cones
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Kangaroo2 Plugin combined with the Open Nest plugin...
Parametric Dovetail Joint
in this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric dovetail joint between two triangular...
parametric stool
In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric stool based on a series of agents and th...
Parking Algorithm
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can generate different Scenarios for Designing Parking slots b...
Physarealm Growth
In this grasshopper example file you can use the Physarealm plugin to simlulate a series of growing...
Shell Structure
In this grasshopper definition by using the 3D graphic static plugin you can model an optimized stru...
Space Frame Nodes
in this grasshopper example file, you can Calculate the Node sizes of a Space frame structure and as...
Structural Wave
In this Grasshopper definition, you can model a wave-like structure with graph mappers. Then you can...
Table Topology Optimization
In this grasshopper Example file you can use the Topos Plugin to optimize a table based on Topology...
Topology Column
In this grasshopper example file you can simulate a parametric toplogy optimization for a column usi...
tOpos Bridge
In this grasshopper example file you can design an optimized bridge using tOpos plugin.
tOpos Building Slabs
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to generate an optimized central struc...
tOpos Footbridge
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a parametric bridge for pe...
tOpos Growing Pavilion
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a parametric shade and the...
tOpos Headphone Stand
In this grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a headphone stand.
Topos Joint
In this grasshopper example file, you can optimize a set of joints by using the Topos plugin.
tOpos Joint
In this Grasshopper Example File, You can generate a parametric joint using the tOpos plugin.
tOpos Joint
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to design a parametric joint for a set...
tOpos Parametric Column
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a parametric column.
Topos Spiral Boxes
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Topos plugin to simulate a topology optimization of...
Topos Supports
In this grasshopper example file, you can optimize a set of pillars for a roof using the Topos plugi...
tOpos Table
In this grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a stand for a table.
tOpos Table Stand
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a set of 3d-printable stan...