
  • Cowportal

    Good afternoon! On time 00:49, how did you delete all the nodes and connections and still managed to keep the “Group of points” intact? When I delete, the relationship is lost and the “group of points” is simply vacant. Thank you!

    • rezae

      I think you accidentally deleted the real points in Rhino!
      You can lost the relation only if you delete the component or clear the value inside the component

      Good luck!

  • Cowportal

    Its ok I figured it out. I had to right click on the “group of points” node and click “internalize data” in order to keep the rectangular array and the 20-by-20 count. Thank you.

    • rezae

      Yes! that’s great.

      Good Luck!

  • TBiagi

    In this tutorial I had a hard time figuring out how to get a grid of points with just one point component, it would be awesome if you explain that at the beginning.
    I am attaching a jpeg image because I can’t get the surface right. When I put the 25 U Count in the Number slider I get nothing and only at two I get numerous surfaces. Please explain, thanks

  • rezae

    Hi Teresa,
    you have add one unit to the U Count because when you’re extracting point from the surface, the U Count in the Divide Surface means number of slices not number of rows or columns so you have to add one unit to generate surface from points
    I’ve also attached a file which can explain more
    Many thanks.