Perlin Noise

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you can learn how to generate Perlin noise on a surface and convert it into a solid.

Perlin Noise Iso Surface Grasshopper3d

Perlin Noise Iso Surface

In this grasshopper example file you can create a voxelized sculpture by using a Perlin noise effect which is applied on each of the individual voxels inside a cube.

Mirror Cut Mesh Grasshopper3d Pufferfish weaverbird plugin

Mirror Cut Mesh

In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric mesh surface by using mirror cut mesh from the pufferfish plugin.

Discrete Twist

Discrete Twist

In this grasshopper definition you can create a recursive polyline which is connected and oriented by Simplex noise component from the 4dNoise plugin.

Mesh Travelers Grasshopper3d Definition Anemone Heteroptera Noise 4D Dendro Plugin

Mesh Travelers

In this grasshopper definition, you can simulate the movement of particles on a mesh by evaluating their position and applying a vector force.

Wandering on Klein Surface Grasshopper3d Definition Noise 4D Plugin

Wandering on Klein Surface

In This grasshopper definition by creating a Klein surface and allowing a series of points to wander on it and combining it with the Perlin noise Algorithm you can create a flocking effect.

Noise on Strips Grasshopper3d Definition

Noise on Strips

In this grasshopper definition by creating a series of circles and connecting them vertically, you can create strips that move by the Perlin noise algorithm.

voxelized twiste-500

Voxelized Twist

In this grasshopper definition by generating series of plane which rotate with Perlin Noise algorithm
you can create circles from those planes and connect them to each other and finally you can create a volume from the
resulted pattern by using Dendro Plugin.

Noise Wave 1200

Noise Wave

In this grasshopper definition, you can map different parametric noises on a surface by using the “4d noise” plugin.

colorful stripes500

Colorful Stripes

In this grasshopper definition by adding noise to a series of particles you can create animated strips. At last you can add colour to them,
which is also based on the noise.

Parametric Tornado Grasshopper3d Plugin Hetroptera 4D noise plugin

Parametric Tornado

In this grasshopper definition by combining two vectors and using the Hetroptera plugin to add them up you can model a tornado-like motion.

Kinetic Iso Surface Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Millipede 4D Noise Plugin

Kinetic Iso Surface

In this grasshopper definition by using the PerlinNoise component of the Noise 4d plugin you can produce a changing value for a iso surface which is generated with Millipede.You can also subdivide the mesh surface to have a smoother result.

Noise4d Example Grasshopper3d Definition

Noise4d Example #1

In this grasshopper definition, you can create a set of polygons in the Z direction and scale them by using the noise components from Noise 4d plugin. You can also thicken the polygons with Fatten.

Particle Noise Grasshopper3d Definition

Particle Noise

In this grasshopper definition you can make particles move through a Perlin noise effect made from Noise 4d Plugin and a loop which is generated by Anemone.

Perlin Noise Sphere Grasshopper3d Definition

Perlin Noise Sphere

In this definition we will use Perlin noise as the base deformation of a sphere. Perlin noise is a type of gradient noise developed by Ken Perlin in 1983.
