Platonic Lamp Shade
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can generate a platonic lamp shade by using the graphicstatics plugin.
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can generate a platonic lamp shade by using the graphicstatics plugin.
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric bridge by using the 3D Graphic Statics plugin.
In this grasshopper example file you can use the 3d graphic statics Plug-in to convert a Pyramid into a compression only structure and use it as a table.
In this grasshopper definition by using the 3D graphic static plugin you can model an optimized structure.
In this grasshopper definition by using a force diagram from the “3D graphic static” plugin you can model a parametric Dodecahedron structure.
In this grasshopper example by defining a force diagram you can model an optimized lattice structure by using the 3D graphic static plugin.
In this grasshopper example by defining a force diagram you can model an optimized lattice structure by using the 3D graphic static plugin.
In this grasshopper definition by designing a force diagram instead of designing a form diagram of a bridge you can generate an optimized structure by using the 3D graphic static plugin.