Platonic Lamp Shade

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can generate a platonic lamp shade by using the graphicstatics plugin.

3d graphic statics Table

In this grasshopper example file you can use the 3d graphic statics Plug-in to convert a Pyramid into a compression only structure and use it as a table.

shell structure1280

Shell Structure

In this grasshopper definition by using the 3D graphic static plugin you can model an optimized structure.

Dodecahedron structure500

Dodecahedron Structure

In this grasshopper definition by using a force diagram from the “3D graphic static” plugin you can model a parametric Dodecahedron structure.

Graphic static bridge500

Graphic Static Bridge

In this grasshopper example by defining a force diagram you can model an optimized lattice structure by using the 3D graphic static plugin.

Lattice Structure

In this grasshopper example by defining a force diagram you can model an optimized lattice structure by using the 3D graphic static plugin.

3d Static Bridge Grasshopper3d Definition

3d Static Bridge

In this grasshopper definition by designing a force diagram instead of designing a form diagram of a bridge you can generate an optimized structure by using the 3D graphic static plugin.
