Parametric Jewelry

In this grasshopper example file, you use the Peacock plugin combined with Pufferfish to design parameteric Jewelry.

Diffusion Ring

In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Kangaroo2 and Peacock plugin to generate a parametric diffusion pattern on a ring .

Erwin Hauer 3d pattern

In this grasshopper Example file you can create a 3d Erwin Haeur pattern on any Nurbs surfaces. The algorithm will create seamless patterns.

Parametric Clothes

In this grasshopper example file you can use a combination of Force field components
and the Stella3D plugin to create a parametric cloth.

Flow Path Ring Grasshopper3d

Flow Path Ring

In this grasshopper example file you can create a standard ring by using the Peacock plugin and then generate a flow simulation by using a series random points.

Offset Variable

by using the Peacock plugin (Offset variable component) you can simply offset a curve with variable numbers and define if you want it to offset from both sides, how to connect at the end and control the Bulge.
