Pattern Circles

In this Laser cut design video, I have made a definition to produce a parametric pattern for laser cutting. First I will explain the inputs and how you can change them to change the base pattern and in the end, you can give thickness to your design.

Mercedes Benz Satdium

In this Parametric Design & Modeling video I’m going to talk about the Mercedes Benz Stadium and how you can model it in Grasshopper. First we will study the mechanism and then we will remodel it in Grasshopper.

Earring Designs #1

In this Laser Cut Earring Design tutorial, I will show you how to make a parametric model for Rhombus Earrings. First, we will model the base polygon and make it parametric by using evaluate curve and then we will define the sections and offset the boundaries to make the final model.


This is the first video in the “Parametric Modeling & Design” series. In this video, we will have a quick review of the Arboskin Project. First, we will talk about how the project has been made and look at some details. Then we will talk about a simple Grasshopper algorithm and how you can model the pyramid and slice it with a rotating plane.

Earrings Design #2

In this Laser Cut Earring Design tutorial, I will show you how to make a parametric model for nautilus Earrings. First, we will model the base surface with strips and then by using the flow command, we will bend the surface from a baseline into a NURBS curve. This will give us more control over the finished model.

Voronoi Diagram

In this Parametric Design Video, I’m going to explain the Voronoi DIagram based on a project located in Mexico which uses the Voronoi cells in the facade Design. First We will study the facade and how it’s fabricated and then we will remodel something similar in Grasshopper.

Parametric Lamp #1

This laser cut design video is going to show you how you can make a parametric pendant lamp in Grasshopper and use the algorithm to produce dxf files for laser cutting. You can easily bake the boundaries and save the file as dxf files and fabricate the Lamp.

Ekko Installation Structure

In this parametric design video, we will have a review of the EKKO installation structure. First, we will take a look at the project and how it’s made and then we will remodel it in Rhino Grasshopper.

Metaball 2D

In this metaball Grasshopper tutorial, I will teach you how you can produce a freeform column model that merge together and form a metaball. First, we will produce the point charges and then based on a profile curve we will produce the metaball curves.

RMIT Design Hub

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, I will model the rotating circular panels of the RMIT Design Hub Building. First, we will take a look at the building’s facade and how its constructed. Then we will make the circles in Rhino and then export them into Grasshopper and start rotating them based on a point attractor. We will also model the rotating axis of the windows.

Parametric Ring

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, we will model a Parametric Ring. First, we will model the base curve based on Polar points and then give it a rectangular section and finish the model with a sweep1.

Surface box

In this tutorial, I will explain how you can model a series of boxes with different heights based on a point attractor and then morph the module inside them. This tutorial will help you cover a surface with a 3d module

Paneling Tools – 2d Cellulate

In this Paneling Tools Grasshopper tutorial, I will show you how you can use the grid attractors and the cellulate grid tool to produce a series of deforming circles based on point or curve attractors

Diamond Panels

In this Lunchbox grasshopper tutorial, I will show you how you can make complete diamond panels on a closed NURBS surface. First, we will use the lunchbox plugin to produce the panels and then we fix the triangle panels by combining them into diamonds and finally combine them back together.

Attractor Voronoi Cells

In this Grasshopper Voronoi attractor tutorial, I will show you how you can produce point attractors for Voronoi cells. First, we will make the desired boundaries and then populate points in them to increase the number of Voronoi cells.

Tornado Tower

This Rhino Grasshopper tutorial is a small example of how you can use grasshopper and the lunchbox plugin to easily model a tower. First, we will model the surface of the tower using three circles then we will use lunchbox to produce the diagrid structure and finally we will model the quad panels and finish the tutorial.

Parametric Arcs

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, I will show you how to make a series of parametric Arcs. So first we are going to talk about the Arc component and the inputs and how we can control them and then we are going to dive into a more advanced modeling technique.

Delaunay Mesh

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, we will use the Delaunay Mesh component to model different smooth meshes. First, we will define random points and connect them bt Delaunay mesh and then by using the Weaverbird plugin, we will smooth the final result.

Ladybug Grasshopper

In this Ladybug Grasshopper tutorial, I will show you the basics. First I will show you how to install Ladybug and run the components. Then I will explain the energy plus weather files (EPW) and how they give us the most important information about temperature, humidity and wind.

Sectioning Surface

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, I’m going to teach you how to make a series of sections from a surface. First, we will model the surface in Rhino and then we will use contour to make the sections.

Evolution Tower

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial & for the Architecture Design Series we are going to model the Evolution Tower. First, we will define a box in Rhino and then import it in Grasshopper Then we will twist the box by defining the axis line and the degree of rotation.

Parametric Facade

In this Rhino Grasshopper tutorial, I will model a series of panels which change their size based on point attractors. First, we will use the lunchbox plugin to make the facade and then we use the attractor technique to scale the panels in one direction and finish the Parametric Facade.

Grasshopper Lunchbox Tutorial

In this Rhino Grasshopper tutorial, I will show you how you can panel a surface with lunchbox. First I will show you how to make different surfaces in Rhino with 5 different techniques and then I will show you how to panel them. These 5 short tutorials will help you learn Lunchbox for grasshopper easier!

Arduino Tutorial For Beginners

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can (write/read) data (to/from) Arduino in Grasshopper. First, we will install the Firefly plugin and then we will work with reading and writing function to connect with Arduino.

Parametric Facade Tutorial

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, we will model a perforated parametric facade in Grasshopper and with the help of Lunchbox Plugin. First, we will model the surface and then divide them into triangular panels. By using the attractor point technique we will make the panels scale differently across the facade.

Tween Curves (Rhino)

In this Rhino Tutorial, we will use parametric curves in Rhino to model a series of solids. first, we will use some tricks to make the base curves as simple as possible and then we will use tween curves and extrusion to make the solids. In the end, we will make the base surface and review some extra tips you can use to make your model more professional!

Rotating Units

In this Rhino Grasshopper Lesson, I will show you how to rotate a series of surfaces around their edges and then control how many of the starting and ending ones have a zero rotation. First, we will divide a surface into sections and then extract the edge and finally rotate the panels around the edge.

Brick Wall Design

In this Rhino Grasshopper Lesson, I will show you how to produce a parametric brick wall in Rhino. First we will explore the options of Brick Design plugin and how you can use it to produce a parametric wall and then we will use attractors to deform our brick wall with points and curves and images.

Lincoln Zoo Pavilion

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will model the Lincoln Zoo Pavilion. First I will explain how you can model the curves , mirror it and finally model it as a solid. By technique you can produce a sine curve on a freeform surface.

Paneling Tools

In this rhino paneling tools tutorial, I will show you how you can use the paneling tools plugin to produce different panels on to a freeform surface. First I will talk about the Grids and how they work in paneling tools and then we will study different paneling techniques.
