LZ’s LOVE spa

LZ’s LOVE spa

LZ’s Love Spa is a single building covered with an attractive unique façade, located in Thanh Hoa city, Vietnam.

The project is a successful attempt to accommodate the disparate and conflicting nature of these requirements, screened from an iconic façade to present energetic of the building’s purpose in an artful way.[1]

The site of the building is next to large-sized apartment blocks under construction, which means to require solving surrounding issues from air and noise pollution.

Also, the structure has a 420-square-meter facade because of its location close to a crossroad, facing the west and south, which leads to finding a solution to regulate heat gain throughout the year.[2]

From the very beginning, the vision of its owner desired the building not only with two different functions: a beauty salon and a home for a family, but also to be a gorgeous existence regulated solar heat gain throughout the year due to the condition of the local area.

The project is a successful attempt to accommodate the disparate and conflicting nature of these requirements, screened from an iconic façade to present energetic of the building’s purpose in an artful way.

While the salon demanded easy visual recognition, street access, and open spaces, the residential unit was asked to get both private spaces and its own entrance.

Consequently, the project requires an iconic construction in the street, captivating people into a new way of looking, becoming a gorgeous existence. “The building will provoke passer-bys’ curiosity: What is the story behind inside? ” said the client.

Interior space: When designing the three-story building, achieving spatial and organizational flexibility was a critical part of the concept process.

The beauty salon occupies the two first floors, while the privacy of family activities is maintained on the top floor.

Considering internal circulation, it has three main entrances separately for customers, staff, and residents’ approaches.[3]

  1. LZ’s LOVE spa / T-architects / https://www.archdaily.com/968134/lzs-love-spa-t-architects
  2. LZ’s LOVE spa, Thanh Hoa, Viet Nam, 2021 /https://www.architonic.com/en/project/t-architects-lzs-love-spa/20237190?epik=dj0yJnU9UHlGZTdFeG95Tk5uUHFqVnU0bWF3MmYwQmZnWnRUMFcmcD0wJm49OG9kbUpLSmk2ZllUckJaZFdORm53dyZ0PUFBQUFBR0t2ZEtV
  3. LZ’s LOVE spa / https://archello.com/project/lzs-love-spa
