Optimize view

In this Grasshopper tutorial, we are going to examine the logic of an algorithm for optimizing view using the Galapagos component.

Millipede Bridge

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners, I’m going to model a parametric bridge by defining a base curve and then use the Millipede plugin to analyze its structure.

Noise on Mesh

In this Grasshopper Tutorial for beginners I’m going to show you how I use the Nautilus plugin to generate noise on a mesh.

Brick Wall

In this Rhino Grasshopper Script, you can model a parametric brick wall by defining a base curve

3D Plan

In this Grasshopper Script, you can create a 3D Plan from a series of lines and the location of the openings.

Parametric Building

You can convert a series of planar closed curve boundaries into a Quad Remesh using this free Grasshopper Script.


In this Grasshopper Tutorial for beginners you can learn how to generate a series of columns and beams on a mesh by defining closed polyline boundaries.

Pyramid Fennec

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric Pyramid using the Fennec plugin.

Radial Waffle

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you can learn how to model a radial waffle from scratch and also nest the sections on the ground for fabrication.

Remove Brep faces

In this Grasshopper example file, you can delete a single or series of faces from a polysurface using the “Remove Brep faces” component from the Fennec plugin.

Baseball Sphere

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric Surface using the “Baseball Sphere” component of thefennec plugin.

Inner Profile

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a solid using the “Inner Profile” component from the Fennec plugin.

Optimized Rectangles

In this Grasshopper Tutorial you can learn how to optimize two rectangles inside a boundary using the Galapagos Genetics Algorithm Component.

Galapagos Rectangle

In this Grasshopper Galapagos Tutorial we are going to learn how to find the biggest rectangle we can model inside a curve or a polyline.

GraphMapper Curve

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric curves with the graph mapper and then convert them into a Nurbs Surface or a series of Mesh panels.

Mesh Maze

In this Grasshopper example file, you can Generate a Maze (Based on Backtracking Algorithm) on any Given Mesh.

Fennec Knot

In this example file, You can design a parametric knot using the Fennec plugin and control the thickness.

Fractal Solid

In this Grasshopper script you can make a fractal based solid and even model a solid based on the combination of the polylines.

Grid Attractor

You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural 3d grid and create spheres on each point and finally change the sphere radius by defining a point attractor

Kangaroo Voronoi

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how to make a series of Voronoi cells inside a rectangle by relaxing the cells with the Kangraoo plugin.


After learning about the flatten, now we have to know where to graft the inputs to get our desired results.

SubD Connection

In this Grasshopper script you can convert a series of lines into subd connection joints and control the details.

Blend Curves

In this grasshopper script you can make a blend curve between two set of curves and then make a Checkerboard pattern on the final results.

Shadow Mesh

In this Grasshopper script you can compute the shadow outline for a mesh object and also a simple visualization for the sun.

Sine spheres

You can download this free unity asset to create a series of procedural spheres around a circle. The radius of the spheres change based on a sine function.

Inflate Strips

In this grasshopper tutorial You will learn how to convert two set of curves into a series of arcs and strips.

random spheres

You can download this free unity asset to create a series of procedural random spheres on a main sphere.
