13- Rotating Panels

In this Paracourse lesson, we will model a series of rotating panels which extrude until they reach their neighboring surface. We will use three different techniques :

1- Sort the data so each panel finds its neighbor

2- Delete the extra panels at the edges

3- Use point attractor to rotate the panels

30 Minutes

280 MB


  • nathan.rosquist

    Haven’t tried this out yet, but for getting rid of edge blocks, perhaps another (less robust) method would be to look at areas of rectangles and filter out ones with areas less than a certain threshold.

    • rezae

      Hi Nathan
      we are glad that you share your idea with us.
      It is absolutely correct, but the main goal of the tutorial was something else and it may get our audience confused about main lesson here.

  • Pari5022

    Nice Tutorial. I am wondering If I can control the box height. How can I achieve this? Let say I would like to make the box height 8m then?

    Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.

    • rezae

      Hi, Thank you I’m glad to hear that.
      You cannot control both of them at the same time since one of the parameter depends the other one.
      You can have control on the box height only if the overall height is not controllable


  • garychan

    Why do you want to rebuild surface at the beginning, and what effect does not rebuild have on the result?

  • rezae

    Hi, Gary
    I’ve attached a gh file which I think can answer your question.