Jewel Changi Airport

In this tutorial, we are going to model the Jewel Changi Airport Waterfall in Grasshopper. First, we are going to model the base surface and then we will divide it into two series of strips and make the panels from scratch.

Sierpinski Pyramid Grasshopper3d Tutorial Weaverbird Lunchbox Plugin

Sierpinski Pyramid

In this Rhino Grasshopper Lunchbox tutorial, we are going to show you a trick to model a Sierpinski Pyramid with the Lunchbox plugin. We will also show you how you can use Keyshot to get a better visualization of your form.

Pinch & Spread Torus Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Pufferfish Lunchbox Plugin

Pinch & Spread Torus

In this grasshopper definition by using the Pinch&Spread component you can add bubble-like form to a mesh and change the form of a torus.

Catenary Pavilion Grasshopper3d Definition Mesh+ Weaverbird Definition

Catenary Pavilion

In this grasshopper definition by generating two sets of catenary arches, you can create a parametric shell . Then you can use the mesh+ plugin to produce a weave pattern on the surface.

Kangaroo Cloth Grasshopper3d Definition weaverbird plugin

Kangaroo Cloth

In this grasshopper definition designed by Daniel Piker, we will learn how to simulate the clothcollide by using kangaroo2 plugin.

Flag Waving Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Kangaroo Plugin

Flag Waving

In this grasshopper definition by using the kangaroo2 plugin you can simulate the wind and see how it can move the cloth.

Wave on Icosahedron Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Wave on Icosahedron

In this grasshopper definition first we model an Icosahedron by Weaverbird and then generate wave pattern on it by using Mesh+ Plugin. Finally you can also make the mesh thicker and smoother.

Flexhopper Cloth Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Mesh Edit Plugin

Flexhopper Cloth

In this grasshopper definition you can model a hanging cloth by using the flexhopper plugin. We also have used some components to collide a sphere with the mesh.

Parametric Spinner Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Fattener Plugin Conceptual Design

Parametric Spinner

In this grasshopper definition, you can create a parametric radial structure and then thicken and subdivide it by using the Fatten and Weaverbird plugin.

Geodesic Dome Grasshopper3d Tutorial Parakeet Weaverbird Plugin

Geodesic Dome

In this Grasshopper tutorial we are going to use the Parakeet’s Geodesic dome component and then combine it with Weaverbird to model some different variants of the main Geodesic mesh model.

Kangaroo Balls Collide Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Kangaroo Balls Collide

In this grasshopper definition by defining gravitational load with the Kangaroo plugin on a series spheres, you can see how they bounce and collide.

Sea Urchins Grasshopper Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Sea Urchins

In this grasshopper definition, by offsetting a series of scaled frames on a sphere, you can create a spiky like parametric model.

Recursive Ornamental Mesh Grasshopper3d Definition Anemone Weaverbird Plugin

Recursive Ornamental Mesh

In this grasshopper definition by creating a loop from the anemone plugin, you can create different geometries by changing the segments of the initial polygon or by changing the loop count.At the end you can subdivide the results for a smoother mesh.

Twisted Knot Lunchbox Weaverbird Plugin Grasshopper3d Definition

3- Twisted Knot

In this Paracourse Lesson we are going to model a parametric knot from scratch by using the Lunchbox plugin. First we are going to use a simple technique to extract the knot’s curve and then we will give it a volume and divide it into panels.

Chladni Surface Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Chladni Surface

In this grasshopper definition you can create a surface which is based on the Chladni equation. You can also make the mesh faces colorful by a gradient and Subdivide the surface by Weaverbird plugin to have a smoother mesh.

Relaxed Sphere Grasshopper3d Definition Stella3d Weaverbird Plugin

Relaxed Sphere

In this Grasshopper definition by extracting vertices from a spherical mesh and using the Stella3d plugin to generate forces, you can deform the mesh till the vertices reach a minimum distance.

Shining Sphere Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Shining Sphere

In this grasshopper definition you can create a sphere which is covered with a series of Voronoi cells and then extrude some of them in the normal direction to model a sun-like shape.

Stella Voronoi Grasshopper3d Tutorial Stella3d Weaverbird Plugin

Stella Voronoi

In this grasshopper voronoi tutorial by using Stella3d plugin and fatten we model an expanding voronoi. First we use steall3d v2 to collide a series of random points together and then we are going to use delaunay mesh and dual graph to make the cells.

Voronoi Virus Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Voronoi Virus

In this grasshopper definition you can use the “facet dome” component to cover a sphere with voronoi cells and then move the centroid in the normal direction to finish the model.Finally you can use the weaverbird plugin to smooth the geometry.

Voronoi Expansion Stella3d Weaverbird Plugin

Voronoi Expansion

In this grasshopper definition by using the Stella3d plugin and Weaverbird you can model a parametric expanding voronoi cell model.

Paneling Tools Plugin #1 Grasshopper3d Definition

Paneling Pattern

In this grasshopper definition you can model a parametric sine wave surface and then use Paneling Tools to divide it into a grid and use a point attractor to deform the grid.

Mesh Particle Attractor Grasshopper3d Definition

Mesh Particle Attractor

In this grasshopper definition you can model a constantly changing surface by using the Stella3d Plugin, and defining an attractor which attracts the particles towards itself.

Morph to Twisted Box Grasshopper3d Definition

Morph to Twisted Box

In this grasshopper definition you can create a geometry and morph it on a sphere. You can also join the meshes together. This definition is using these plugins : Pufferfish , Mesh + and Weaverbird.

Tensile Form Grasshopper3d

Tensile Form

In this grasshopper definition you can make a tensile surface with elastic features. The plugins which has been used is kangaroo physics and weaverbird.
