Polar Growth

In this grasshopper shortetwalk example file, you can create a series of parametric polar branches by scattering random points on a a circle and using the Dendro plugin.

Grab Surface

In this Grasshopper kangaroo example file you can make a parametric surface by using the grab component and some advanced data management techniques.

Polygon Star

In this Grasshopper fennec example file you can learn how to use the “polygon star” component to design a parametric pattern.

Kangaroo Select Edge

In this Grasshopper kangaroo example file you can learn how to use the Leopard plugin to select a mesh edge easily in Rhino and then manipulate it in Grasshopper.

Trimmed cylinder

In this Grasshopper example file you can learn how to use the “trim copy” component to make parametric trims on a nurbs surface.

Parametric Prism

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners, you can learn how to model a parametric Prism using the Kangaroo plugin and data management techniques.

Trim Mesh Isolines

In this Grasshopper Pufferfish example file you can learn how to generate the isolines of a mesh by cutting it with a plane.

Erwin Hauer Module

In this Grasshopper example file you can learn how to model a parametric pattern based on the Erwin Hauer module.

Proximity Connection

In this Grasshopper Multipipe example file, you can create a parametric connection by defining random points and then connecting them based on the Proximity 3D component.

SubD TriRemesh

In this Grasshopper weaverbird example file, you can create a triangular mesh from a SubD surface and then give its borders some offset.

Scaled Voronoi

Now that you have learned how to scale a series of voronoi cells you can use this example file to design a parametric pavilion with more control over the final shape.

Metaball by Curve

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners, you can learn how to model a series of meatball solids by defining a section curve.

Random Vector Lines

In this Grasshoper Heteroptera example file , you can use the random vector component to generate random lines from a point.

Pufferfish Net On Surface

In this Grasshopper Pufferfish Example File, you can use the Pufferfish plugin to create a series of interpolated curves on a Nurbs surface .

Barrel Vault

In this Grasshopper tutorial, you can learn how to model a parametric barrel vault from scratch by defining a rectangle

Plan Drafting

In this Grasshopper Script, You can add details to your plan by providing lines for the wall, doors, and windows.

Parametric Frame

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will design a parametric frame from scratch by only defining a simple line.

Kangaroo Vertices

In this grasshopper kangaroo example file, you can design a parametric tensile structure with Kangaroo 2 and then use the Leopard Plugin to have more control over the anchor points.

Kangaroo Pavilion

In this Grasshopper Kangaroo example file, you can use the region union component to create a parametric pavilion.

Tapering Tower

In this grasshopper tutorial you can model a parametric tower using the “Taper” component and by defining the height of the different modules.

Smooth Truss

In this Grasshopper Lunchbox example file, you can design a smooth space truss structure.

Modular Waffle

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric modular waffle structure using polygonal shapes.

Polyline Simple Dimensions

You can use this grasshopper script to convert a series of points to a polyline and visualize their segmental length and corners angular dimensions.

Rolling Bridge

In this Grasshopper Anemone Example File, you can design a parametric bridge similar to the Rolling Bridge by Thomas Heatherwick.

Weaverbird Facade

In this Grasshopper weaverbird Example File, you can design a parametric facade by deforming a series of quads and smoothing the final results.

Data visualization

In this Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial you can visualize a parametric freeform number slider and use it to twist a tower.

Hangzhou Research Centre

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can design a parametric building similar to the new loop-shaped research centre in Hangzhou, China.

Random Spheres

In this grasshopper Anemone tutorial you can generate random spheres on a curve by creating a loop and using the random component.

Curves to Truss

In this grasshopper Tutorial, you can learn how to design a parametric truss using two curves and the number of divisions.

Parametric Bench

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric Bench by defining a series of section curves.
