2- Multiple Sections

In this lesson, you will learn how to use multiple sections and a curved path to produce a parametric model. First I will explain how we can orient the section into the perpendicular planes and then we will model the rest.

22 Minutes

85 MB


  • Nathaniel

    I feel kind of silly for asking, but I’m stuck at one of the final steps. My surface is totally curvy on top, with no edges. How would I split the surface through the middle, leaving one side to be the “cushion”?

    (My initial idea was to use the original curve, but the component Surface Split was not satisfied with this original curve…)

    • rezae

      Hi Nathaniel I checked the attached photo
      the way your are thinking is right but the Split Surface component, split when the curve is on the surface so at first you have to use BBX(brep brep intersection) component to generate intersecting curve and then use Split Surface component to split the surface