8- Based on height

In this grasshopper tutorial, I will model a facade louver system based on scaling. First I will divide the facade into louvers and then I will extract the lines and scale them based on the height of the surface. then we will remodel the louvers with another technique and use point attractor and image attractor to affect the facade.

30 Minutes

124 MB

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  • NzarFaiq

    Attachment  8-.zip

    I would like to know why the result is not as the tutorial, is it because of evaluate surface component ” different version”

    • naseri2

      I think you probably used a flat surface and you’ve missed a few steps too. For example you should reparameterize the surface input of “Evaluate Surface”.

  • catcharunjames

    When i am giving minimum value 0.001 in to the Remap+ , it doesn’t give the proper result . Why it is happening ?
    I have attached the grasshopper file for more information