Fibonacci Stairs

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric staircase inspired by the fibonacci sequence.

Space Colonization

In this grasshopper script you can create a tree like structure with the space Colonization Algorithm by defining a series of targets and starting points.

Parametric Table

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a Parametric table with a recrusive 3D pattern and by using the Dendro plugin.

Ternary Tower

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can design a parametric building Inspired by the Ternary Tower.

3D Boxes

In this grasshopper2 example, you can generate a series of 3D-boxes parametrically.

Marsk Tower

In this grasshopper example file you can model the Marsk Tower parametrically.

Enneper Surface Attractor

In this grasshopper example, you can extract a series of curves on an Enneper surface by using a point attractor and using the Lunchbox plugin.

Beijing Tower

In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric tower inspired by the Beijing Tower.

Wave form

In this grasshopper2 example file, you can generate a parametric wave form with native components.

Parking Algorithm

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can generate different Scenarios for Designing Parking slots by using the PARKING SQUARE Plugin.

Mesh Pattern

In this grasshopper example, you can generate a parametric curve pattern from a colored mesh.

Differential Growth Necklace

  In this Grasshopper Example File, you can model a Differential Growth Necklace by using the SDPlatform plugin.   Script By:Ali Ghadamyari   Download Example Related Plugins Weaverbird SD Platform Plugins Official Links Weaverbird SD Platform

Growing Ring

In this grasshopper example, you can model a ring inspired by the differential growth algorithm.

Grasshopper Chimpanzee (Chaotic)

Chaotic Pattern

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can model a Three Scroll Unified Chaotic pattern with Using the Chimpanzee Plugin.

Halvorsen Pattern

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can model a Halvorsen 3D pattern by Using the Chimpanzee Plugin and combining it with the Dendro plugin.

Two Fold Table

In this grasshopper example, you can model a Two Fold Table parametrically inspired by the design from Matthew Harding.

Rhino Grasshopper (Linkage Mechanism)

Linkage Mechanism

In this grasshopper example, you can model a linkage mechanism parametrically Similar to the bird’s wings .

Rhino Grasshopper (Kangaroo Mechanism)

Kangaroo Mechanism

In this grasshopper example, you can model an Archimedes Machine parametrically by using the Kangaroo plugin.

Voronoi Relaxation

Voronoi Relaxation

In this grasshopper example file, you can create a Voronoi Pattern inside a curve and then change the area of the Cells with an attractor Point using the Anemone Plugin.

Leg Mechanism

In this grasshopper example file you can use the Kangaroo2 plugin to simulate a parametric Leg Mechanism.

Rhino Grasshopper (Gear Simulation 3)

Gear Simulation 03

In this grasshopper example file, you can model an Iris mechanism and simlulate it using the Linketix plugin.

Gear Simulation

Gear Simulation

In this grasshopper example, you can create series of parametric gears and simulate them using the Linketix plugin.

Linkage Mechanism 01

Linkage Mechanism 01

In this grasshopper example, you can create a linkage machanism with a set of hexogonal & trinaglular modules which can be simlulated by the Linketix plugin.
