Force Field Lines

In this Grasshopper example file you can use the field component to design a parametric 2D pattern.

Hexagonal Lunchbox Pattern

  In this Grasshopper example file you can use the native Grasshopper components combined with the Lunchbox plugin to create a 3D hexagonal pattern. Script By:Kiarash Kiany Download Example Related Plugins Dendro Lunchbox minimal surface creator Human Plugins Official Links Dendro Lunchbox minimal surface creator Human

Tensile Canopy

in this grasshopper example file you can design a parametric sunshade and use the Kangaroo 2 Plugin to relax the meshes.

Space Frame Roof

In this grasshopper example file you can create a space frame structure on a parametric Nurbs surface.

Hamiltonian Path

A Hamiltonian path is a path in an undirected or directed graph that visits each vertex exactly once. In this grasshopper example file you can use the GraphTheory Simulations from the LEAFVEIN Plug-in to create a Hamiltonian Path with Platonic Solids.

Rotating Polygon Pattern

In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Anemone plugin combined with Pufferfish to model a rotating parametric polygonal pattern.

Weaverbird Field Attractor

In this grasshopper example file you can generate a parametric mesh field by using the weaverbird plugin and defining an attractor point.

Roof Space Frame

In this grasshopper example file You can use the Lunchbox plugin to model a parametric Space frame structure for a roof.

Elastic Curves

In this grasshopper example file You can extract the iso-curves of a parametric surface and then convert it to a mesh. Finally you can use the Mesh+ Plug-in to give it some patterns.

Space Frame Arc

In this grasshopper example file You can model a parametric arc and convert it into a space frame structure and control the division.

Twisted Surface Pattern

In this Grasshopper example file You can use the native Grasshopper components to generate a series of Spirals and use the lunchbox plugin for the final pattern.

Hexagonal cells

In this grasshopper example file You can use the lunchbox plugin to generate Hexagonal cells on a base surface.

Diamond Cell

In this grasshopper example file you can create a Diamond/Hexagonal Pattern by generating the cells with timer.

Parametric dispatch tower

In this grasshopper example file You can design a Parametric tower by rotating the panel faces along an axis and using a point attractor .

Contour Facade

In this grasshopper example file You can design a parametric facade base on wave like base surface and then convert it into a series of countoured curves and the boundary curve for windows.

Responsive panels

In this grasshopper example file You can model a parametric facade with a series of panles which respond to a point attractor or a curve attractor.

Random Wave Facade

In this grasshopper example file You can model a parametric random wave-like facade by using the graph mapper component.

Recursive Paneling

In this grasshopper example file you can use the Anemone plugin to model a parametric rotating 3d pattern.

Hexagonal Tower

In this grasshopper example file you can create parametric tower covered by a hexagonal structure pattern using the Lunchbox plugin.

Structural Patterns

In this grasshopper example file You can use the Lunchbox or Mesh+ plugins to generate a series of parametric patterns on a Nurbs surface.

Shade facade

In this Rhino Grasshopper example file, You can design a folding shade facade. A point attractor can also be used to change the folding pattern change the angle of these shades.
