Field Trap

In this Grasshopper Dendro example file, you can use the Trap Field component from the Heteroptera plugin to generate a series of random connecting curves between two faces.

Field Dendro

In this Grasshopper Dendro tutorial, you can learn how to create a growing mesh by defining a series of spin fields on a NURBS surface using the Heteroptera plugin.

Random Vector Lines

In this Grasshoper Heteroptera example file , you can use the random vector component to generate random lines from a point.

Geometric Region

In this Grasshopper Heteroptera example file, you can create regions from a list of curves by using the Geometric Region component.

Field Traveler

In this Grasshopper Heteroptera Tutorial,you can learn how to model a spin field and use it with the field traveler component from the Heteroptera plugin to generate a parametric nurbs curve.

Field Projection

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a field and then project it on a Nurbs surface.

Field Sections

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can extract a series of Field sections as curves by using the Heteroptera Plugin.

Edge Bounding

In this Grasshopper Example File, You can pull a series of curves together using the Heteropetra plugin.

Parametric Plan

In this Grasshopper script you can use the Heteroptera plugin to design a parametric plan using the overlay component.

Topos Spiral Boxes

In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Topos plugin to simulate a topology optimization of a series of boxes located on a spiral curve.

Random Plane Split

In this grasshopper example file you can divide a surface by using a random generated cutting plane and then convert it to a frame.

Tensile pavilion

  In this grasshopper example file you can simulate different patterns on a mesh surface by using the Kangaroo2 Plugin. The Sphere collide component has been used to generate the patterns. Script by:Amir hossein khazaei Download Example Related Plugins Pufferfish Heteroptera Plugins Official Links Pufferfish Heteroptera

Wavy Mesh

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric mesh by creating a series of moving points around a circle.

kangaroo grasshopper example

Seaweed Simulation

In this grasshopper example file, You can use a simplex noise field to simulate the moving of a series of strips using the Kangaroo Plugin.

Gaussian Random Translation

In this grasshopper example file, you can deform a mesh by moving its vertices in their normal direction and based on a Gaussian distribution.

Noise Field Grasshopper3d

Noise Field

In this grasshopper example file, you can create a noise field by using the Heteroptera plugin.

Pavilion by Field Grasshopper3d

Pavilion by Field

In this grasshopper example file by defining a series of fields you can grow columns towards a surface.

Field Travelers Grasshopper3d

Field Travelers

In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric noise field and use the dendro plugin to voxelize it.

Jellum Bulger grasshopper3d definition heteroptera plugin

Jellum Bulger

In this grasshopper example you can use the “Jellum Bulger” component from the Heteroptera plugin to deform a simple square grid. you can Right click on the component and choose “Planar” mode to generate them in xy plane.

Mesh Travelers Grasshopper3d Definition Anemone Heteroptera Noise 4D Dendro Plugin

Mesh Travelers

In this grasshopper definition, you can simulate the movement of particles on a mesh by evaluating their position and applying a vector force.

Hexagonal tiles500

Hexagonal Tiles

In this grasshopper definition you can create two series of intersected hexagonal grids and create new regions from the intersection.

recursive catenary arches 500

Recursive Catenary Arches

In this grasshopper definition by creating a series of catenary arches from a base square you can model a recursive structure by using the Anemone plugin.

Parametric Tornado Grasshopper3d Plugin Hetroptera 4D noise plugin

Parametric Tornado

In this grasshopper definition by combining two vectors and using the Hetroptera plugin to add them up you can model a tornado-like motion.
