Contour Slits

In this grasshopper example, you can create a waffle structure based on two series of perpendicular contoured directions.

Differntial Growth

In this grasshopper tutorial for beginners we are going to take a look at Differntial Growth and how you can generate it on a mesh.

Voxelized Mesh

In this grasshopper tutorial, we will learn how to convert a mesh into a series of voxelized boxes.

Kerf Bending

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Anemone plugin to simulate a parametric Kerf Bending.


In this grasshopper tutorial for beginners we are going to take a look at the Arc SED component and how to use it to design a parametric stadium.

Chevron pattern

In this grasshopper example file, you can generate a 3d Chevron pattern on a circular nurbs Surface.


In this grasshopper tutorial for beginners we are going to take a look at Orient and how to use it to design a parametric bench.

Ivy Patterns

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Ivy plugin to generate a parametric mesh pattern.


In this grasshopper tutorial for beginners we are going to take a look at Fields and how to use it to generate a series of parametric curves.

Ngon Finger Joint

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Ngon plugin to design a parametric finger joint ona parametric network surface.


In this grasshopper tutorial for beginners we are going to take a look at the Series component and how to use it to increase something with a step size.

Random Fractal

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the anemone plugin to design a parametric fractal with random growth pattern.

Graph Mapper

In this grasshopper tutorial for beginners we are going to take a look at graph mapper and how to use it to deform a simple square surface.

Parametric Vase

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric pattern on a vase by using the Bezier Span component.

Venation Ring

In this grasshopper example file, You can design a parametric ring with a venation pattern using the parakeet and fattener plugins.

Deform Curve

In this Grasshopper Tutorial, we will learn how to deform a curve by defining a series of points and forces.

Sort By Geometry

In this grasshopper example file, you can sort a list of 2D and 3D polygons by segments and heights using the sort component in grasshopper.

Hexagonal Pavilion

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Kangaroo2 plugin to create a parametric pavilion with hexagonal patterns.

Voronoi Shoe

In this grasshopper example file, you can design a 3D voronoi pattern on a shoe by using the 3D voronoi component.

Plane Project

In this Grasshopper Tutorial, we will learn how to project a series of curves onto a plane and then convert them into a parametric solid.

Stella3D Roof

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Stella3d plugin to design a parametric roof.

Topos Joint

In this grasshopper example file, you can optimize a set of joints by using the Topos plugin.

Counting Curves

In this Grasshopper Tutorial, we learn how to find and count the different types of curves used in a series of curves and visualize them.

Lego & Voxels

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Legolizer plugin to Generate a series of parametric Lego & Voxels.

Cloth Simulation

In this Grasshopper example file, you can simulate a piece of Cloth behaviour in collision with a solid object using the Kangaroo plugin.

Nuclei Voronoi

In this grasshopper example file, you can manipulate a series of particles to follow a voronoi path using the Nuclei plugin.

Ivy Generator

In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a randomly generated plants by using the Ivy-Generator plugin.

Space Colonization

In this grasshopper script you can create a tree like structure with the space Colonization Algorithm by defining a series of targets and starting points.

Parametric Table

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a Parametric table with a recrusive 3D pattern and by using the Dendro plugin.
