Lunchbox Joint

In this grasshopper lunchbox example file, You can design a series of parametric panels with connections.

Voronoi3d Roof

In this grasshopper voronoi 3d example file, you can design a parametric roof by using 3d voronoi cells ad defining the opening.

random shelf

In this example file, You can use the Lunchbox plugin to design a paramtric shelf with random divisions.

Mesh Openings

In this example file, You can use the mesh+ & Weaverbird plugin to model a smooth mesh with openings.

Parametric Column

In this grasshopper Mesh+ example file, you can design a parametric column by scaling a series of circles.

Twisting Tower

In this example file, You can design a parametric twisting tower by rotating a series of circles around the core.

Rhino Grasshopper Anemone Tutorial (Parametric Shelf)

Anemone Polyline

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will take a look at how we can design a parametric shelf with controllable lengths and heights.

Droid Examples

In this grasshopper example file, you can use the Droid Plugin to Generate G Code for 3D printing a Mesh.

Curve Strips

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial you can learn how to use the construct plane to convert a curve into a series of perpendicular strips.

Pipe variable

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial You can learn how to convert a pipe Variable surface to a triangular mesh.

Slect by Curve

In this grasshopper tutorial for beginners we are going to take a look at how we can divide a surface and then select them by a curve located on that surface.

Nurbs Strips

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial You can learn how to convert a Nurbs surface into a series of strips and connect them with pins.

Hexagonal Attractor

In this Grasshopper Lunchbox example file, You can change the scale of a hexagonal grid using an attractor point.

Kangaroo Shelves

In this Rhino Grasshopper Kangaroo Tutorial You can learn how to divide a rectangle by using the grab component in Kangaroo.

Grasshopper Parametric Profile Cut

Plane Cut

In this grasshopper example file, you can cut a profile with a desired angle.

Rectangular Dash

In this Grasshopper tutorial you can learn how to convert a curve into a series rectangles with a dash pattern.

Box Plane

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners, you can learn how to model a series of boxes on a parametric curve.

Stripper Structure

In this Grasshopper Stripper Example File, You can convert a Nurbs surface into a series of u,v structural strips.

Parametric Structure

In this Rhino Grasshopper tutorial you can learn how to make a parametric structure between two set of lines and control some of the details for the connection.

Region Difference

In this Grasshopper tutorial you will learn how to convert a boundary curve and a series of closed on open curves to generate parametric 3d shapes.

Mesh Grouping

In this Rhino Grasshopper Mesh tutorial you will learn how to divide the faces of a mesh into a series of groups and color them differently.

Dendro Waffle

In this grasshopper example file, you can create a waffle structure by using the dendro plugin to make the Parametric shape.

Crystallon Mesh

In this Grasshopper Example File,You can design a parametric mesh by using Box Morph and using the Crystallon plugin.

Isotrim Sphere

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will take a look at how we can convert a sphere into 3 parts and then join them back to make a parametric lamp or structure.

Text on Mesh

Now that you have learned how to design a parametric text on a mesh you can use these 3 example files to even learn more.

Circualr Pattern

In this Grsshopper tutorial you will learn how to design a circualr pattern and extract the curves inside a rectangle by dispatching it into two groups.

Structure Plan

In this Grasshopper Example File, You can use the fennec plugin to design a parametric structure plan or an architectural grid.

Polygon Fold

In this Grasshopper Anemone tutorial you will learn how to parametrically unfold a polygon by simply defining a number slider.

Mesh Edge

In this Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial you will lean how to select a series of a mesh edges and then give different goals to make a smooth pressurized mesh.
