Islamic Pattern

Islamic Pattern

The geometric patterns in Islamic tile consist of simple shapes that are combined, interlaced, duplicated, and laid out in complex designs.

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The geometric patterns in Islamic tile consist of simple shapes that are combined, interlaced, duplicated, and laid out in complex designs.


The use of local fivefold symmetry in Islamic tilings started in the 11th century.


Examples of such tilings are discussed and the rules employed in these tilings are presented.

Islamic Pattern

It is demonstrated how a periodic pattern can be transformed into a locally aperiodic Penrose tiling pattern which most efficiently solves the difficult problem of the mathematical aperiodic tiling.

Islamic Pattern

Most remarkably, these tilings match with crystal diffraction patterns which exhibit fivefold symmetry.

Islamic Pattern

Inevitably, this topic reminds us of the flowering of scientific brilliance in Islam from the ninth to the thirteenth century—a period often described as the “golden age” of Islamic science.

Islamic Pattern

A Penrose tiling is a nonperiodic tiling generated by an aperiodic set of prototiles named after Roger Penrose, who investigated these sets in the 1970’s.

Islamic Pattern

Islamic artists borrowed key elements of geometric patterns from the Greeks, Romans, and Sasanians, and then developed them into what would later become quintessentially Islamic designs.

Islamic Pattern

Rachida El Diwani explains that the arabesque design consists of vegetal designs borrowed from nature and geometric patterns in potentially limitless repetition, signifying the infinity of God and the impermanence of earthly objects.

Islamic Pattern

The Iran Chamber Society records the haft rang (or “seven colors”) tile technique as becoming popular in Islamic architecture during the Safavid Empire (1502-1736), when many religious buildings were constructed.

Haft rang tile was a good choice for economic reasons (it was both cheaper and quicker to produce), and the seven colors gave more artistic freedom to artisans.

Islamic Pattern

Text Source: whytile / Islamic Tile History and Inspiration

Video Source :

1-Biomorphic Arabesque Art/ Youtube/ Adam wWilliamson

2-Arabesque art exhibition in Jerusalem/ Youtube/ TRT World Now

3-How to draw an Islamic Geometric Pattern – Mamluk Star 2/ Youtube / Eric Broug

4-Parakeet (Grasshopper3d Plugin) Islamic Star Pattern/ Youtube / Esmaeil Mottaghi

5-How to draw an Islamic geometric pattern #18 | زخارف اسلامية هندسية/ Youtube/ Samira Mian

6-#29 – Eightfold Geometric Rosette – Two Methods – Islamic Geometry – زخارف اسلامية هندسية/ Youtube/ Samira Mian

7-Islamic Star Pattern/ Youtube/ Rhino Grasshopper

8-The complex geometry of Islamic design – Eric Broug/ Youtube / TED_Ed

9-Girih Islamic Patterns with Houdini SOPs/VEX

10-Islamic Geometric Patterns

11-Art of Islamic Patterns: Mughal Jaali Timelapse

12-Quasicrystal/ Vimeo/ Hypergesture

Image Source :

[1]-Woven Islamic Star Ball/ Flicker/Craig Kaplan
Woven Islamic Star Ball

[2]-Mashrabiya ball/ thingiverse /mosesb

[3]-Islamic Tessellation Sphere/ Nick Tyrer

[4]-Islamic Tile History and Inspiration / / This vault in the Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque in Shiraz, Iran

Islamic Tile History and Inspiration

[5]-Islamic Tile History and Inspiration / / The ceiling of the pavilion at the Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz, Iran

Islamic Tile History and Inspiration

[6]-Islamic Tile History and Inspiration / / A geometric tile pattern from the mosque at the Mausoleum of Zaouia Moulay Idriss in Morocco

Islamic Tile History and Inspiration

[7]- Islamic seamless golden pattern on white background / depositphotos

[8]-Traditional Islamic Pattern / graphicriver / Vector of traditional Islamic Pattern on white

[9]-Custom-Designed Graphic Patterns / pinterest

[10]-Arabic islamic vector pattern / dreamstime / Islamic Pattern Illustrations & Vectors[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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