Making use of Grasshopper uto developed an interface named GECO, which offers a direct link between Rhino/Grasshopper models and Ecotect. The Plugin allows you to export complex geometries very quickly and evaluate your design in Ecotect.
Making use of Grasshopper uto developed an interface named GECO, which offers a direct link between Rhino/Grasshopper models and Ecotect. The Plugin allows you to export complex geometries very quickly and evaluate your design in Ecotect.
Performance Software Approaches for Kinetic Architecture: Programmable Matter Based Simulations by Nelson Montás Laracuente is an investigation concerning kinetic architecture design software support that will be used to simulate behavior of shape memory materials.
This study by Elzine Braasch investigated the question of whether the distributed model method (DMM) could be perceived by the New Zealand building industry’s architects and engineers as overcoming barriers which prevent them from implementing building performance sketching within their design processes.