Smart Passive Building

Smart Passive Building

This research by Tessa Rouwenhorst is aiming to extend the period in which the passive systems are used within the building management system in order to minimize  the energy  consumption while improving the comfort conditions.

Parametric Design and Daylighting: A Literature Review

Parametric Daylighting

This paper by Ahmad Eltaweel and Yuehong SU presents a literature review on parametric design in architecture practice and put a focus on its applications in daylighting and solar radiation, which can have an essential impact on energy saving.

Informed Geometries. Parametric Modelling and Energy Analysis in Early Stages of Design

Informed Geometries

This paper by Ionuţ Anton and Daniela Tănase will discuss the implications of parametric modeling and energy analysis in architectural design and will present the authors research in developing architectural forms using computational design tools.

GECO Grasshopper3d Plugin


Making use of Grasshopper uto developed an interface named GECO, which offers a direct link between Rhino/Grasshopper models and Ecotect. The Plugin allows you to export complex geometries very quickly and evaluate your design in Ecotect.
