Basic Agent Base python grasshopper3d definition

Basic Agent Base

In this premium python grasshopper definition you can simulate a basic agent behavior through defining an agent class in python component. Then you can define actions by writing functions inside the agent class.

Flocking Motion Grasshopper3d Definition

Flocking Motion

In this grasshopper definition a simple flocking motion has been simulated by using the SDplatform plugin and by defining parametric forces.

Geometry Slide Grasshopper3d Definition Lunchbox Boid Nursery Plugin

Geometry Slide

In this grasshopper definition we have used the Boid plugin and Nursery plugin combined to simulate sliding of a series of particles on a surface.

random walker 1200

Random Walker

In this grasshopper definition by creating a loop and selecting a vector,
in each iteration you can create a random path for a particle which is based on the principles of agent based modeling.

Parametric Tornado Grasshopper3d Plugin Hetroptera 4D noise plugin

Parametric Tornado

In this grasshopper definition by combining two vectors and using the Hetroptera plugin to add them up you can model a tornado-like motion.

Particles Simulation Grasshopper3d Definition flexhopper plugin

Particles Simulation

In this grasshopper definition, you can learn how to simulate the collision of particles by using the Flexhopper plugin.

Benvis Gradient Venation Grasshopper3d Definition Stella3d Tundra Plugin Particle Simulation

Benvis Gradient Venation

In this grasshopper definition by creating a particle simulation with Stella3d Plugin, and allowing particles to follow in a field generated by the Tundra Plugin, you can create a parametric particle-based motion.

Tailoring Motion Grasshopper3d Definition Recursive Algorithm

Tailoring Motion

In this Grasshopper definition by defining two circles perpendicular to each other and creating a revolving motion on one of them and connecting them with a line, you can create the tailoring motion.

Kangaroo Balls Collide Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Kangaroo Balls Collide

In this grasshopper definition by defining gravitational load with the Kangaroo plugin on a series spheres, you can see how they bounce and collide.

Growing Voxels Grasshopper3d Definition Dendro Anemone Plugin

Growing Voxels

In this grasshopper definition, by distributing random points on a geometry and picking the closest point for reaching the goal, you can model a parametric growing form by using the anemone & Dendro plugin.

Voronoi Expansion Stella3d Weaverbird Plugin

Voronoi Expansion

In this grasshopper definition by using the Stella3d plugin and Weaverbird you can model a parametric expanding voronoi cell model.

Kangaroo Plugin Grasshopper3d Definition Kangaroo Plugin

Particles Collision

In this grasshopper definition by dividing a circle for the particles location and giving them forces by using the Kangaroo plugin we can simulate a collision of a series of marbles, inside a sphere.

Mesh Particle Attractor Grasshopper3d Definition

Mesh Particle Attractor

In this grasshopper definition you can model a constantly changing surface by using the Stella3d Plugin, and defining an attractor which attracts the particles towards itself.

Particles Bridge Grasshopper3d Definition

Particles Bridge

In this grasshopper definition you can simulate a series of particles moving around a curve and making a bridge like structure.

Stella3d Metaballs Grasshopper3d Definition

Stella3d Metaballs

In this grasshopper definition by creating a simulation with Stella3d you can simulate particles with attractors and use the Metaball(t) component to convert them into metaballs.

Voxelize Blobs Grasshopper3d Definition

Voxelize Blobs

In this grasshopper definition by using the Stella3d plugin you can simulate a series of particles which try to reach defined point targets and then voxelize them by using Cocoon, you can also refine it as an additional step.

Emitted Berries Grasshopper3d Definition

Emitted Berries

In this grasshopper definition by using Stella3d for particles simulation ,you can move a series of geometries around a defined NURBS curves while they get bigger as they move forward.

Swarm Noise Grasshopper3d Definition

Swarm Noise

In this grasshopper definition by applying forces and noise, you can model a natural movement of particles. This definition is using Anemone and 4D Noise plugin.

Particle Noise Grasshopper3d Definition

Particle Noise

In this grasshopper definition you can make particles move through a Perlin noise effect made from Noise 4d Plugin and a loop which is generated by Anemone.

Rolling Sphere Spirograph Grasshopper3d Definition

Rolling Sphere Spirograph

In this grasshopper definition by creating relative tangent spheres which revolve around each other you can create different spirograph patterns in 3d space you can also use Dendro plugin to convert these complex curve to volume.

Rolling Circles Spirograph Grasshopper3d Definition

Rolling Circles Spirograph

In this grasshopper definition by creating relative tangent circles which revolve around each other and create different spirograph patterns.

Lorenz Attractor Grasshopper3d Definition

Lorenz Attractor

In this grasshopper definition you can create the Lorenz attractor by using the differential equations and using the Anemone plugin to simulate the growing curve.

Swarm Fashion Grasshopper3d Definition

Swarm Fashion

In this grasshopper definition we have used the Quelea plugin for agent base modeling. By changing the agents behaviour you can have different conceptual models.

Physarealm Simulation Grasshopper Definition

Physarealm Simulation

In this definition we have used agent based modeling to simulate growth of the agents and reaching the food source by using the Physarealm plugin.

Point to Volume Grasshopper Definition

Point to Volume

In this grasshopper definition you can use a 3d point cloud to voxelize the final parametric form by using the Dendro plugin.

Wandering Point Attractor Grasshopper Definition

Wandering Point Attractor

In this grasshopper definition you can create a simple simulation of attraction through agent base modeling and traces are captured, by using Heteroptera Plugin.

Particle Swarm

In this grasshopper definition, you can run a particle base swarm moving through the closest vector field component made by pufferfish and anemone plugin. The Anemone Plugin is used to make the iterations and control the loops.
