Colorful Ziggurat Grasshopper3d Pufferfish Plugin

Colorful Ziggurat

In this grasshopper example file by applying a parametric noise on a series of rectangles and extruding them you can generate a ziggurate geometry.

Truncated Mesh Morphing Grasshopper3d Pufferfish Weaverbird Plugin

Truncated Mesh Morphing

In this grasshopper example file you can morph a geometry from a reference box to a twisted box to have a parametric shape.

Diamond Facade Grasshopper3d Definition Lunchbox Weaverbird Pufferfish plugin

Diamond Facade

In this grasshopper example file by panelizing a surface you can morph any given module inside it by using the “morph to twistedbox” component from pufferfish.

Twisting Strip Grasshopper3d Definition Pufferfish plugin

Twisting Strip

In this grasshopper example file you can model a twisting strip by defining rotating rectangles with a timer.

Pixelate Towers Grasshopper3d Definition

Pixelate Towers

In this Premium grasshopper definition you can model a parametric modular tower by dividing a base circle to create the base and then use the “random reduce” component to randomly delete the units of the tower.

Kinetic Sleeve Grasshopper3d Definition Pufferfish Plugin

Kinetic Sleeve

In this grasshopper definition you can create Parametric sleeves by morphing a single module to a series of twisted box from the pufferfish plugin.

Net on Surface Grasshopper3d Definition Pufferfish Plugin

Net on Surface

By using this grasshopper definition you can create a series of net curves on a surface by using the Pufferfish plugin.

Closest vector loops space filling 500

Closest Vector loops

This grasshopper definition by Mike Pryor uses closest vector fields to model swarms inside of a closed boundary.

Coil along curve-500

Coil Along Curve

In this grasshopper definition by using the pufferfish and anemone plugin you can model these twisted curves along an axis.

random walker 1200

Random Walker

In this grasshopper definition by creating a loop and selecting a vector,
in each iteration you can create a random path for a particle which is based on the principles of agent based modeling.

Customizable Face Mask 500

Customizable Face Mask

In this grasshopper definition, you can generate a parametric face mask by spliting parts of the face mesh and use pufferfish to give it a symmetric look. Finally, use mesh+ plugin to give it some borders.

Pinch & Spread Torus Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Pufferfish Lunchbox Plugin

Pinch & Spread Torus

In this grasshopper definition by using the Pinch&Spread component you can add bubble-like form to a mesh and change the form of a torus.

Net On Surface Grasshopper3d Definition Pufferfish dendro plugin

Net On Surface

In this grasshopper definition by using the “Net On Surface” component from Pufferfish Plugin you can create a series of interpolated curves on multiple connected surfaces and also use the Dendro plugin to give it some thickness.

Brep Explosion Grasshopper3d Definition Pufferfish Plugin

Brep Explosion

In this grasshopper definition first we scatter a series of random points inside a brep and then generate random vectors to cut the brep with the related planes. Finally you can move the pieces away from each other.

Radial Pattern Grasshopper3d Definition 3D Pattern

Radial Pattern

In this grasshopper definition by creating a series of Twisted boxes on a surface and morphing an arc in them you can model a parametric radial pattern.

Pufferfish Plugin Grasshopper3d Definition

Twisted Mesh

In this Grasshopper definition, you can use the “Morph to twisted box” from the Pufferfish plugin to morph a 3D module into a target Nurbs surface. You can also use the “Tween two colors” to give the final results a colorful look.

Pixelized Sphere Grasshopper3d Definition Pufferfish Plugin

Pixelized Sphere

In this grasshopper definition by exploding a mesh sphere and by using the Pufferfish plugin you can extrude the faces towards their normals controlled by a sine wave.

Morph to Twisted Box Grasshopper3d Definition

Morph to Twisted Box

In this grasshopper definition you can create a geometry and morph it on a sphere. You can also join the meshes together. This definition is using these plugins : Pufferfish , Mesh + and Weaverbird.

Pinch & Spread Box Grasshopper Definition

Pinch & Spread Box

In this definition you can learn how to pinch or spread a mesh box with random points by using the Pufferfish Plugin + Weaverbird.

Loft Point Attractor Grasshopper Definition

Loft Point Attractor

In this grasshopper definition by using an attractor point we will model a parametric twisting surface and then use Lunchbox or Pufferfish or Weaverbird to model a series of patterns on this base surface.

Mirror Cut Curve Grasshopper Definition

Mirror Cut Curve

In this grasshopper definition you can model a parametric form by cutting a series of curves with a plane and then joining them with the mirrored result.

Particle Swarm

In this grasshopper definition, you can run a particle base swarm moving through the closest vector field component made by pufferfish and anemone plugin. The Anemone Plugin is used to make the iterations and control the loops.

Pufferfish Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Pufferfish twist

In this definition you can use the Pufferfish’s plugin component called Retrans which Recursively transform geometry to get a self-referential step sequence of transformed geometry.

Recursive Morph grasshopper3d pufferfish plugin

Recursive Morph

In this definition we have used the Pufferfish’s “Recrusive Morph Mesh” to produce patterns on a mesh. This component Recursively morphs mesh geometries onto a base mesh.

Pufferfish Tween

Pufferfish Tween

In this pufferfish plugin example you can use the Tween through Surface component to produce surfaces between multiple target surfaces and control their count and distribution.

Enneper Morph Definition

Enneper Morph

In this Grasshopper Definition you can morph any geometry inside deformed cubic structure by using Pufferfish Plugin. The cubic structure is deformed by Enneper surface which is already made by Lunchbox plugin.
