Wave on Icosahedron Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Wave on Icosahedron

In this grasshopper definition first we model an Icosahedron by Weaverbird and then generate wave pattern on it by using Mesh+ Plugin. Finally you can also make the mesh thicker and smoother.

Recursive Ornamental Mesh Grasshopper3d Definition Anemone Weaverbird Plugin

Recursive Ornamental Mesh

In this grasshopper definition by creating a loop from the anemone plugin, you can create different geometries by changing the segments of the initial polygon or by changing the loop count.At the end you can subdivide the results for a smoother mesh.

Morph to Twisted Box Grasshopper3d Definition

Morph to Twisted Box

In this grasshopper definition you can create a geometry and morph it on a sphere. You can also join the meshes together. This definition is using these plugins : Pufferfish , Mesh + and Weaverbird.

Triangular Subdivision Grasshopper3d Definition

Triangular Subdivision

In this Grasshopper Definition by using the Anemone plugin you can model a recursive pattern that connects each corner of the face to the center. You can also Mesh+ & Weaverbird to prepare a mesh or a Nurbs surface for the division process.

Smooth Mesh Tower Grasshopper3d Definition

Smooth Mesh Tower

In this definition you can use Mesh+ & Weaverbird plugin to smooth a parametric rotating tower and control the bumps.

Mesh+ Example #1 Grasshopper3d Definition

Mesh Weave

In this definition we have used the Mesh+ Thatch weave command to produce a parametric weave pattern on an untrimmed Nurbs surface.

Mesh+ Plugin Grasshopper Definition

Mesh Snubbed

In this definition you can use the Mesh+ “Snubbed Antiprism” which can add an advanced effect on any faces of a mesh and it’s called the antiprism extrusion. There are several options which you can change such as height of the cells or the offset from the center. You can also smooth the final result.
