Parametric Cocoon Tower

In this Grasshopper Example File, you can use the Cocoon plugin combined with the Weaverbird & Ngon plugin to model a Parametric tower.

Parametric Joint Grasshopper3d Cocoon plugin

Parametric Joint

In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric joint using the Cocoon and meshplus plugin.


Mercury partition

In this grasshopper definition, you can model a structural frame in grasshopper and then use the nodes to generate a random voxelized volume using the Cocoon plugin.

Voxelize Blobs Grasshopper3d Definition

Voxelize Blobs

In this grasshopper definition by using the Stella3d plugin you can simulate a series of particles which try to reach defined point targets and then voxelize them by using Cocoon, you can also refine it as an additional step.

Curves Cocoon Grasshopper3d Definition

Curves Cocoon

In this grasshopper definition we have used the Cocoon plugin to create a voxelized mesh with a set of custom curves and a series of parameters which can change the parametric shape.
