FXFOWLE Installation

FXFOWLE Architects shared with us their custom-design for the inaugural Miami Project art fair. Their installation, known as the ‘FXFOWLE Lounge’, features a free-standing architectural pavilion housed within a well-appointed lounge and bar area.

The pavilion – which pairs technologically-sophisticated scripting software with simple museum board – comprises 180 varying segments that, together, take the form of complex structural geometries.

The segments were pre-assembled, in-house and by hand, into 19 different ribs – using solely Elmer’s glue and a stock adhesive – and subsequently installed upright and fastened to one another via twist ties. The pavilion structure is thoughtfully complimented by plus beanbag chairs and timeless Prince Aha stool, provided respectively by Fatboy and Kartell.

SCRA, an applied technology research corporation, custom-fabricated the lounge’s 20 foot-long carbon fiber bar that FXFOWLE designed in-house, also with the aid of scripting software. A light-sculpting accent wall provided by 3M Architectural Markets further highlights the bar’s lustrous finish.
