Procedural mesh

ou can download this free unity asset to create a Procedural mesh by defining two sets of procedural curves. The curves can be adjusted separately by changing their frequency and radius.

Line Animation

You can download this free unity asset to create a Procedural Animation with a sine motion between two set of can control the offset, factor and frequency values easily with Plugpea.

Twisted Polygon

You can download this free unity asset to generate a set of polygons that gradually rotate around the central axis. Additionally, you can control the radius by adjusting its minimum and maximum values.

Select Grid Cells

In this Grasshopper Tutorial for beginners we will learn how to select a series of cells from a grid by using a curve.

Window Frame

In this Grasshopper 3d model file you can generate a parametric window frame from a rectangle.

Polygon Star

You can download this free unity asset to generate a Procedural Polygon by deforming the vertices towards the center.

Turning Torso Tower

In this video we will take a look at the Turning Torso Tower. You can also download the related example file and tutorial for free from our website.

Brick Wall Window

In this Grasshopper tutorial you can learn how to model a 3d Brick Wall with Controllable windows location and size.

Cable Bridge

n this Grasshopper tutorial you can learn how to model a 3d bridge by defining a simple Nurbs curve.

3D Plate

In this Grasshopper tutorial you can learn how to model a 3d plate by defining two curve boundaries.

3D Helix

In this Grasshopper tutorial you can learn how to model a 3d helix from scratch and also learn the basics of the “Plane” input.

Attractor Point

You can download this free unity asset to create a grid of cubes and then adjust their heights based on the character’s position.

Sine Wave Motion

You can download this free unity asset to design a Procedural Animation. You have to create a series of circles around a main circle. The radius of these circles can change in response to a sine wave motion.

Lines to Building

In this Rhino Grasshopper script, you can effortlessly transform a series of lines representing a building’s plan into a 3D visualization that showcases its foundation, columns, and beams.

Spiral Stair

In this Rhino Grasshopper tutorial for beginners we’ll learn how to model a parametric spiral stair from scratch.

Truss From Rectangle

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners we’ll learn how to convert a 4-sided polygon to a series of 3d Trusses.

Lines to 3D Truss

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners we’ll explore how to convert a series of lines into 3d trusses.

U,V Toggle

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners we’ll explore how to extract the U or V curves of a surfae or polyline by defining a simple toggle.

Two Way Offset

In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners we’ll explore how to offset a quadrilateral in two distinct directions.

Offset Intersection

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will learn how to make an offset from a series of curves. We will use the “Offset intersection” component from the Fennec Plugin

Offset Intersection

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will learn how to offset the boundaries of the intersection of a series of curves parametrically.

Attractor Ribs

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will learn how to model a zero-waste parametric wall by defining a series of point attractors.

Dispatch & Patch

In this Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial we will learn how to model a parametric surface with Graph Mapper & Patch , split the surface with contour curves and then divide the result in two different layers of sub-surfaces.

Minimal Surface

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will learn how to design a minimal surface using the Millipede plugin.

Parametric Make2d

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will learn how to control the make2d component in grasshopper so we can make the projection curves parametric.

Wave on Vase

In this Grasshopper tutorial we will learn how to generate a wave pattern on a parametric vase by defining a series of point or curve attractors.

Anemone Building

In this Grasshopper Anemone Tutorial you can learn how to model a parametric building from a polyline or curve.

Contour Attractor

In this grasshopper tutorial we will learn how to convert a nurbs surface into a series of contoured sections using an attractor point.

Make2D Projection

In this Grasshopper example file you can run the rhino make2d command inside grasshopper and create a hidden line drawing from geometry.

Mesh Edge Connection

In this Grasshopper tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of transforming a mesh into interconnected components.
