6- Waffle Bowl

In this ParaCourse lesson we are going to model a waffle bowl from scratch. first we are going to model a parametric surface and then use perpendicular planes to intersect and extract the main curves. We will model the sections in 3D, find the difference and then put the curves on the ground for fabrication.

40 Minutes

680 MB

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  • cfeldman


    Here one piece cutted from the lasercut, last year.

  • cfeldman



  • Lehnhard

    Nice tutorial. How you vring the logo to the Grasshopper UI?

    • parametric

      Thank you
      It’s a simple line drawing in the Grasshopper canvas

  • Becca

    Can you create some lessons on how to create some other laser joints, please? I have seen a lot of tutorials with the slot joints but I am really struggling with the other two joints in the picture.

  • rezae

    Dear Becca,
    we have many videos about slot joints as you know. Covering Finger Joint and Mortis and Tenon is a great idea
    I’ll keep you posted