
Mosquito by Carson Smuts is a plugin suite developed for Rhino and Grasshopper. The plugin allows us to tap into social , financial and popular media. Extracting location, buildings, roads, OpenStreetMap data, profiles, images and messages from Facebook,Twitter, etc….

As architects part of our responsibility is the consideration of the public realm. Today however , people tend to hang in the digital equivalent, namely, social media space. While this space becomes ever more permanent, the physical realm is fleeting, an evanescent space.

With mobile tech at our disposal, both digital and physical are the same space. They intersect, and at this point new potential exists. Whether you agree or not with nature of social media, it is important to remain critical from both sides.

We can utilize the tools in this component suite to bridge the gap between geometrics and information. Driving geometry with data and vice-versa. The ability to extract user Geo-coordinates, language, thoughts, profile and image enables architects to paint a picture. It is this  4-dimensional picture, which we refer to as “spatial condition”, that allows us to explore what happened yesterday, now and hypothesize about tomorrow. True 4-dimensional modeling.
