Sierpinski Triangle
By using the Subdivide Triangle component of Lunchbox Pluging you can model a simple Sierpinski Triangle in Grasshopper3d. Basically, this component Subdivides a triangle into self-similar cells. First, you have to give a closed triangular curve or surface to subdivide then by defining four different Booleans you can control the divisions. The first one controls the center triangle and the rest control the 3 adjacent triangle areas.
By using the Subdivide Triangle component of Lunchbox Pluging you can model a simple Sierpinski Triangle in Grasshopper3d. Basically, this component Subdivides a triangle into self-similar cells. First, you have to give a closed triangular curve or surface to subdivide then by defining four different Booleans you can control the divisions. The first one controls the center triangle and the rest control the 3 adjacent triangle areas.
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