Grasshopper lunchbox
LunchBox is a plug-in for Grasshopper for exploring mathematical shapes, paneling, structures, and data management. LunchBox also includes a set of machine learning components including regression, clustering, and classification algorithms.
Related Lessons & Examples
13- Rotating Panels
2D Pixelator
3d Pattern Facade
3d Surface Weave
5- Sweep Shell
Al Hamra Tower
Al Ibrahimi Tower
Al Janoub Stadium
Anemone Paneling
Anemone Scissor Structure
Arc Paneling Pattern
Auxetics & Metamaterials
Beijing Tower
Beijing Water Cube
Bow Building
Bridge Facade
Bullant Tessellation
Calatrava Peace Bridge
Camboo Pavilion
Canton Tower
Cathedral of Brasilia
Conceptual Tensile
Contour Facade
Covid-19 Chart
Crane Diamond Paneling
Curve Cutting Building
Curve Mapping
Curves to Strips
Deformed Panels
Deforming Parametric Tower
Denver Union Station
Deployable Membrane Structure
Diamond Cell
Diamond Facade
Diamond Panels
Diamond Panels Facade
Discrete Design
Elastic Curves
Enneper Morph
Enneper Surface
Enneper Surface Attractor
Evolution Tower
Extruded Facade
Fast Visualization
Flocked Floor Lamp
Force Field Lines
Gaussian Random Translation
Gear Simulation
Geometric Pattern
Geometry Slide
Gothic Sculpture
Gradient of Mesh Stellation
Grasshopper Lunchbox Tutorial
Gyroid Table
Hamiltonian Path
Hearst Tower
Hexa Tower
Hexagon Attractor
Hexagonal Attractor
Hexagonal cells
Hexagonal Column
Hexagonal Lunchbox Pattern
Hexagonal Tower
Inflate Strips
Islamic Art Museum(Louvre)
Jewel Changi Airport
John Lewis Facade
Kangaroo GridShell
Kangaroo Lunchbox Roof
Kangaroo Pavilion
Kangaroo Physics 2D Truss
Kangaroo Radial Tensile
Kangaroo Reciprocal Frame
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kinetic Facade
Kinetic Facade Panels
Kinetic Triangulation
Kinetic Wall
Klein Surface
Klein Surface
Lines to 3D Truss
Linkage Mechanism
Loft Point Attractor
Lunchbox Diagrid+
Lunchbox Diamonds
Lunchbox Enneper Surface
Lunchbox Facade
Lunchbox Fractal Polygon
Lunchbox Hexagonal
Lunchbox Hexagonal Wall
Lunchbox Joint
Lunchbox Kinetic Facade
Lunchbox Nurbs Roof
Lunchbox Panels
Lunchbox Parabola Pavilion
Lunchbox Parakeet Facade
LunchBox Parametric Facade
Lunchbox Parametric Facade
Lunchbox Parametric Roof
Lunchbox Pavilion
Lunchbox Quad Tower
Lunchbox Space Frame
Lunchbox Triangular Facade
Lunchbox Triangular Facade
Lunchbox Truss
Lunchbox Wall Shelf
Lunchbox Wave Facade
Lunchbox Wavy Form
Lunchbox Weave Pavilion
Mesh Connection
Mesh force field
Mesh+ Lunchbox Tower
Meta Ball Pavilion
Mirror Curve
New to Grasshopper?
Ngon Box Joint
Noise on Surface
Nove Divadlo Theatre
Paneling Pipes
Parakeet Brick Wall
Parakeet Parametric Facade
Parakeet Patterns
Parakeet Spaceframe
Parametric Building
Parametric Building
Parametric Column
Parametric curved facade
Parametric dispatch tower
Parametric Enneper
Parametric Facade
Parametric Facade
Parametric Facade Tutorial
Parametric Folding Roof
Parametric Lamp Shade
Parametric Roof Panels
Parametric Stair
Parametric Vase
Parametric Wall
Parametric Wall
Parametric Weaverbird Dome
Pavilion NR.40
Pinch & Spread Torus
Planarize Polygons
Planter Box
Plate & Rod Structure
Platonic 3D Nodes
Polar Shell
Poly International Plaza
Polyhedra Boolean Pattern
Polyhedra Fabrication
Pyramid Growth
Radial Parametric Bench
Random Extruded Wall
random shelf
Random Wave Facade
Rectangular Growth
Recursive Paneling
Responsive facade
Responsive panels
Roof Space Frame
Rotating Polygon Pattern
Rotating Torus
Scale Strips
Schüco Parametric System
Self Similar Cell Subdivision
Shade facade
Sierpinski Pyramid
Sierpinski Triangle
Sinic Pavilion
Smooth Truss
Soap Film Pavilion
Sort By Geometry1
Space Frame
Space Frame Arc
Space Frame Lunchbox
Space Frame Roof
Space Truss Structure 1
Spatial Deform
Structural Patterns
Surface Bumps
Surface Flow Curves
Surface to Spaceframe
Tensile Canopy
Tensile Facade
Tensile Surface Simulation
Torus Strips
Tree column structure
Triangular Panels Pavilion
Truss From Rectangle
Truss From Surface
Twisted Knot
Twisted Panel
Twisted Surface Pattern
Urban Classification
Voronoi Cell
Voronoi Facade
Voronoi Facade
Voxels from Brep
Wavy Structure
Weaved Cloth Collision
Weaverbird Field Attractor
Xiangcheng Exhibition Hall
Download lunchbox Plugin
lunchbox Plugin
* Important Note: For the latest versions of LunchBox, use the versions available on the Rhino Package Manager**
LunchBox is a plug-in for Grasshopper for exploring mathematical shapes, paneling, structures, and data management. LunchBox also includes a set of machine learning components that are an implementation of ML.NET and Accord.NET frameworks – including regression, clustering, and classification algorithms.
Available components include….
- Data: Components for dataset management, XML, and JSON formats
- Generate: Components for cool generative geometry.
- Math: Create parametric surfaces and forms such as the Mobius, Klein, or 3D Supershape
- Panels: Create paneling systems such as quad grids, diamonds, or triangles.
- Structure: Create wire structures such as diagrids or space trusses.
- Utility: Geometry utiltiies, sorters, R-tree searches
- Workflow: Read and write Excel files, layer management, and automate baking and saving.
As of V2 LunchBox’s Machine learning tools are now located under a new LunchBoxML tab in Grasshopper and includes:
- NEW Microsoft ML.NET trainers, algorithms, and tester components
- Data management components for preparing training data
- Legacy Accord.NET trainers and testers
I hope the tool is as helpful to you as it is to me in the design process!
To install:
- Run the “PackageManager” command in Rhino 7 or 8
- Search for LunchBox and install
- Alternative (older) downloads are available below.
- Rhinoceros 7 or 8 with Grasshopper
- Windows
* Nominal testing has been performed on Rhino 8 for Mac. The latest version of LunchBox is built against .NET 7 and can be installed on Mac through the Package manager. Note that some components may not function if they are using Windows-specific functionality.
LunchBoxML is an open source project under the GNU Lesser General Public license
Copyright (c) 2023 Proving Ground LLC
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The copyright holders provide no reassurances that the source code provided does not infringe any patent, copyright, or any other intellectual property rights of third parties. The copyright holders disclaim any liability to any recipient for claims brought against recipient by any third party for infringement of that parties intellectual property rights.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.