Supernova Computer Simulation


Supernova is an experimental 4K art film directed and designed by Maxim Zhestkov and made in Zhestkov.Studio. The art film shows computer simulations with millions of particles made to explore the behavior and the beauty of force of destruction.

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Supernova is an experimental 4K art film directed and designed by Maxim Zhestkov and made in Zhestkov.Studio. Everything around and inside us was conceived in a huge explosion of a star billions of years ago… and, probably, recycled from other matrices myriad times.

In this eternal carousel of matter, particles gather, form complicated structures and then burst into all directions fusing atoms together and producing new elements and points of view, new colours and patterns of perception.

Explosions could be perceived as a destructive force and the process of tearing previously formed matter apart and, therefore, could have negative connotations; however, fundamentally, only the process of breaking familiar structures and rearranging them into new, more sophisticated shapes could kindle new meanings and ideas and be the main creative force forming the future.

The art film shows computer simulations with millions of particles made to explore the behavior and the beauty of the creative force of destruction.

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