Particles Simulation Grasshopper3d Definition flexhopper plugin

Particles Simulation

In this grasshopper definition, you can learn how to simulate the collision of particles by using the Flexhopper plugin.

Geometry Wrapper Grasshopper3d Definition Millipede Plugin

Geometry Wrapper

In this grasshopper definition you can learn how to use the Millipede’s geometry wrapper to model a mesh around a curve and control it with different parameters.

Wave on Icosahedron Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Wave on Icosahedron

In this grasshopper definition first we model an Icosahedron by Weaverbird and then generate wave pattern on it by using Mesh+ Plugin. Finally you can also make the mesh thicker and smoother.

Brep Explosion Grasshopper3d Definition Pufferfish Plugin

Brep Explosion

In this grasshopper definition first we scatter a series of random points inside a brep and then generate random vectors to cut the brep with the related planes. Finally you can move the pieces away from each other.

Kaleidoscope Pattern Grasshopper3d Definition Parakeet Plugin

Kaleidoscope Pattern

In this grasshopper definition by defining a base pattern you can generate a kaleidoscope by using the Parakeet plugin.

Noise on Surface Grasshopper3d Definition Lunchbox Tundra Plugin

Noise on Surface

In this grasshopper definition, you can create noise on any surface by using the Tundra plugin. For example we have used the Mobius surface component by Lunchbox plugin.

Flexhopper Cloth Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Mesh Edit Plugin

Flexhopper Cloth

In this grasshopper definition you can model a hanging cloth by using the flexhopper plugin. We also have used some components to collide a sphere with the mesh.

Pattern Generator Grasshopper3d Definition

Pattern Generator

In this example file we want to show you how you can use the Dispatch Component to generate Different Patterns with controlling True & False. You can learn this process step by step.

Stella3d Seek Force Grasshopper3d Tutorial

Stella3d Seek Force

In this grasshopper tutorial you can use stella3d to simulate particles which move towards a series of defined curves. This tutorial will help you understand how the seek force component works.

Parametric Polar Voxel Grasshopper3d Tutorial Dendro Plugin

4- Polar Voxel

In this Paracourse Lesson we are going to use polar coordinates to model a parametric spiral. We will use graph mapper to give more control to the polar curve. Finally we can use the dendro plugin to voxelize it and give it a smooth mesh volume.

Wasp Grasshopper3d Plugin


Wasp by Andrea Rossi is a set of Grasshopper components, developed in Python, directed at representing and designing with discrete elements. The description of each individual part includes basic information necessary for the aggregation process.

Covid-19 Chart Grasshopper3d Definition Lunchbox Plugin Data Visualization

Covid-19 Chart

In this definition you can use the Lunchbox plugin to extract data from an Excel file. Then by using a technique for data management and Lunchbox Chart View you can visualize the data.

Parametric Flourish Grasshopper3d Definition

Parametric Flourish

In this grasshopper definition by creating a rotation for a series of circles around a defined axis, you can see the parametric model emerge as they intersect.

Parametric Spinner Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Fattener Plugin Conceptual Design

Parametric Spinner

In this grasshopper definition, you can create a parametric radial structure and then thicken and subdivide it by using the Fatten and Weaverbird plugin.

Geodesic Dome Grasshopper3d Tutorial Parakeet Weaverbird Plugin

Geodesic Dome

In this Grasshopper tutorial we are going to use the Parakeet’s Geodesic dome component and then combine it with Weaverbird to model some different variants of the main Geodesic mesh model.

Simple Islamic Pattern Grasshopper3d Tutorial Parakeet Plugin

8- Simple Islamic Pattern

In this Paracourse Lesson we are going to use a simple technique to make the modeling of the islamic star pattern easier.First we are going to define two parameters for the pattern control and then we are going to give it a thickness.

Benvis Gradient Venation Grasshopper3d Definition Stella3d Tundra Plugin Particle Simulation

Benvis Gradient Venation

In this grasshopper definition by creating a particle simulation with Stella3d Plugin, and allowing particles to follow in a field generated by the Tundra Plugin, you can create a parametric particle-based motion.

AXOLOTL Grasshopper3d Plugin for volumetric modeling


AXOLOTL by worbit provides a set of components for volumetric modeling in Rhino Grasshopper. They work based on the principle of signed distance functions (SDF).

Kangaroo Balls Collide Grasshopper3d Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Kangaroo Balls Collide

In this grasshopper definition by defining gravitational load with the Kangaroo plugin on a series spheres, you can see how they bounce and collide.

Spherical Maze Grasshopper3d Definition Parakeet Plugin 3D Pattern

Spherical Maze

In this grasshopper definition you can model a parametric maze on a sphere by rebuilding two layers of curves.

Seamless Hexagon Pattern Grasshopper3d Definition 3D Pattern Algorithm

Seamless Hexagon Pattern

In this grasshopper definition you can model a seamless hexagon pattern. By changing the scaling of the hexagons and the height and thickness of each layer you can control this parametric pattern.

Sea Urchins Grasshopper Definition Weaverbird Plugin

Sea Urchins

In this grasshopper definition, by offsetting a series of scaled frames on a sphere, you can create a spiky like parametric model.

Kinetic Wall Grasshopper3d Definition Tundra Chromodoris Meshedit Plugin

Kinetic Wall

In this grasshopper definition by creating and adjusting a parametric noise on a grid of points and then lofting them back you can model a kinetic like form.

Minimal Surface Grasshopper3d Definition Meshedit Fox Plugin

Minimal Surface

In this grasshopper definition by using standard minimal surface equations, you can create different minimal surfaces and also use Align vertices to avoid generating an invalid mesh.

Radial Pattern Grasshopper3d Definition 3D Pattern

Radial Pattern

In this grasshopper definition by creating a series of Twisted boxes on a surface and morphing an arc in them you can model a parametric radial pattern.

SuperMesh Toolkit Grasshopper3d Plugin

SuperMesh Toolkit

SuperMesh Toolkit by George Adamopoulos allows you to easily design a large variety of regular or irregular patterns on NURBS Surfaces of any curvature, by tessellating them to special quad-like Meshes, topologically structured in rows and columns.

Star Wheel Grasshopper3d Definition 3D Pattern

Star Wheel

In this grasshopper definition by controlling the angle of rotation with a graph mapper you can find and create many different types of geometries.
