Donut Fabrication

In this Rhino Grasshopper tutorial, we are going to model a waffle structure from a Torus. First, we are going to study the constraints of geometry, and then we will extract the curves for fabrication.

the link from the MIT study

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  • Anma

    Attachment  Capture.png

    I followed the whole thing through, but nothing works past the point sorting phase, because this is how i get my points.

    • rezae

      Hi Anma!

      Sorry I can’t find the cause of problem. We uploaded the script in its entirety, perhaps you can download the script and find out why this problem occurs or you can send me the .gh file (Screen Shot) to let us figure out the problem

  • marco

    Thank you so much for your tutorial, I really enjoyed it. I made one small changes to the definition: the cutting planes are not planes but 2 different sets of rectangles instead. In this way, there is no need to keep the 2.01 multiplier fixed (so you can play with different proportions) and also you are not forced to have odd number of slices (because the sorting along curve is not necessary anymore, so even if centroids are coincident, there is no need to sort them).
    I attach the file here, if you have time to have a look, it would be nice to have your opinion. Marco

    • rezae

      Hi Marco,
      It sounds great!
      Unfortunately It doesn’t appear here, It might failed while uploading. Please try to send me the script again. I’m curious about it
      Many thanks

  • marco


    Hi Rezae.
    thank you for your quick reply
    Sorry for the failed upload. here is the file.

  • LuisVMA

    Can you please upload the file again, when I click nothing happens..Regards

    • parametric

      Hi Luis
      Thank you for reporting the Link…We have fixed it..Check it out again.