Metaball Threshold

In this grasshopper example file, you can model a series of metaballs by defining random positions of the points.


Metaball ThresholdMetaball ThresholdMetaball Threshold


  • Cfeldman

    HOW TO GET A very “Smooth Mesh” as a final result?
    Thanks your help

  • rezae

    Hi Claudio, for this specific example file I suggest you to use Dendro or Axoltol. In more general term you can use Quad Remesh to smooth any kind of mesh

  • Cfeldman

    Ok,Gracias !
    Probare lo que me dices
    Saludos !

    • Cfeldman

      “Converting the staircase of different planes into a single smooth Mesh-volume…..”
      That is what i am searching to do.

  • Cfeldman

    Hi Rezae : can you understand the question ? Trying to have one final Smooth-Mesh !….

    • rezae

      Hi Claudio, I think I didn’t understand your idea! So based on the way I understand it, you want to use the script to generate a staircase that requires this bumpiness. My problem is the part that you need to smooth this mesh which makes the stairs disappear

  • Cfeldman

    1)Sometimes, after creating an endless number of Metaballs, it seems necessary to create a single Mesh from all those obtained-separate volumes, unifying them into one and smoothing perhaps also through weaverbird….. It seems simple, but it gets complicated, yes I want to generate a new unique Mesh, from Points. (Could you explain how to achieve it? Thanks!
    2)(Yes !! Of course, the ladder would disappear !! and that is what I was looking to achieve, a single Smoothed Mesh (not only subdividing), but creating a single smooth mesh, which unites each and every one of the Metaballs-steps achieved !!. ..On youtube, there is another tutorial about this from another author, who proposes to subdivide each one of the circles or curves, and then create a new ‘Mesh’ from Points !!….but it doesn’t seem so simple to achieve it, because one must recognize the distances to create a Mesh from a large number of Points, and in two Directions.—in this image, not yet achieved !—-.

  • Cfeldman

    Other Metaballs Rhino –tutorial in youtube
    (by kgm)

  • Cfeldman

    Thanks your opinion
    Greetings Rezae !!
