Programming Languages

Programming Languages For Generative Design:
A Comparative Study

António Leitão, Luís Santos, and José Lopes

In the field of Generative Design (GD), Visual Programming Languages (VPLs), such as Grasshopper, are becoming increasingly popular compared to the traditional Textual Programming Languages (TPLs) provided by CAD applications, such as RhinoScript. This reaction is explained by the relative obsolescence of these TPLs and the faster learning curve of VPLs. However, modern TPLs offer a variety of linguistic features designed to overcome the limitations of traditional TPLs, making them hypothetical competitors to VPLs.

In this paper by António Leitão, Luís Santos and José Lopes, authors reconsider the role of TPLs in the design process and they present a comparative study of VPLs and modern TPLs. Their findings show that modern TPLs can be more productive than VPLs, especially, for large-scale and complex design tasks. Finally, they identify some problems of modern TPLs related to portability and sharing of programs and they propose a solution.

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