Urban Furniture

Urban Furniture
Introducing Parametric Modelling and Digital Fabrication in a Part-time Study

Christoph Schindler1, Kyeni Mbiti2
1,2Hochschule für Technik Zürich HSZ-T
[email protected], [email protected]

This paper by Christoph Schindler and Kyeni Mbiti, discusses a design course covering the complete process chain from parametric modelling to digital fabrication. The course was run as a 2-semester elective course at Hochschule für Technik Zürich (HSZ-T), a Swiss University of Applied Sciences that offers as the only school in Switzerland a Bachelor of Architecture as an extra-occupational part-time study (joining ZHAW in 2012).

The design objective was to develop pieces of urban furniture with help of parametric modelling and fabricate them with digital tools. Each of the eleven objects was realized in collaboration with a different professional enterprise chosen by the student, which let them experience a wide range of different materials and production technologies.

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