Parametric Timber Shell Structures

Timber Structures

This thesis by Alexandra Adelle Hinkel Cheng presents an example of a project executed in a co-rationalized manner through architectural and structural collaboration, using both digitally-integrated and analog models, for the design and construction of solid timber shells structures.

Lighting Interactive Smart Facade

Lighting Smart Facade

Giuseppe Ridolfi and Arman Saberi’s students at The University of Florence designed an interactive smart facade using Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper 3D and Kangaroo Physics.

Parametric Structures

Parametric Structures

The aim of the thesis by Daniel Wallin and Martin Wasberg was to investigate if the use of parametric design tools from both architects and structural engineers could be a way of making the design process more effective. This thesis also include testing the structural plug-ins of the parametric design tools.

Triangle Contour Grasshopper Definition

Triangle Contour

In this grasshopper definition you can generate contour of triangles which are perpendicular to base surface and height of each triangle follow’s custom path (curve).

Incessant replication: Computational floor plan generation

Incessant Replication

This thesis by Ron Aasholm studies the process of promptly harnessing a computational design methodology and applies it to floor plan design. A specific evolutionary algorithm, found in Galapagos, is analysed and applied as it used in the model demonstration.


In this grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric 3D voronoi form which is inspired by a code written by Co-de-iT and named Vorospace.

Computational Urban Design

Computational Urban Design

This thesis by Saeran Vasanthakumar introduces a design tool that attempts to optimize urban energy needs through the mass-customization of urban typology. Developing low-energy, high-density urban typology is a critical goal for cities given current energy consumption and urban growth trajectories.

Complex Field Grasshopper Definition

Complex Field

In this grasshopper definition you can create field which is made by grid of points and thicken them by Variable sweep in Heteroptera plugin.

Performance through Thickfolds

Performance through Thickfolds

Performance through thickfolds by Torsten Sack-Nielsen approaches climate-responsive behaviours through shape, materialisation and kinematics. In this PhD project, folding is investigated phenomenologically, exploratively as well as experimentally, to exploit and document on how climate-responsive performance potentials can be utilised in architecture.

Structural Evaluation Assistant

Structural Evaluation

The goal of this research by Lukáš Kurilla is to raise interest of architects in structural behavior of design in its conceptual phase. Therefore, this research deals with the development of a middleware – a bridging tool between the finite element (FE) solver (OOFEM) and the architectural modeller (Rhino3D).

Breeding Tower Definition

Breeding Tower

In this grasshopper definition you can generate mass of strips by defining a path (Curve) and connecting them with perpendicular lines between them. This grasshopper definition is made by Heteroptera Plugin.

Freeform Architecture

Freeform Architecture

In this study by Viktoria Henriksson and Maria Hult, rationalization in terms of different surface discretization methods has been a main focus. It also explores multi-objective optimization. The structure is designed parametrically in the Rhinoceros plugin Grasshopper and structurally analysed with the FE add-on Karamba.

Sphere Triangular Paneling

Sphere Triangular Paneling

In this definition you can panelize any mesh (triangular subdivision) by Weaverbird plugin and moving panels due to one of triangle’s side.

Multi Objective Design Interface

Multi Objective Design

The aim of this thesis by Robert Vierlinger is the development of basic structures for a flexible generation and optimization framework for practical use in the sense of a continuously accompanying design explorer, in which parameterization is adaptable and objective functions are changeable at any time during the design process.

Venation Definition


In this Grasshopper definition you can venate (Network of curve among points) on any geometry by using parakeet plugin and fattener component.

Conical Pattern Definition

Conical Pattern

In this Grasshopper definition you can generate conical pattern by defining a curve due to perpendicular lines that divide on the curve.

Enneper Morph Definition

Enneper Morph

In this Grasshopper Definition you can morph any geometry inside deformed cubic structure by using Pufferfish Plugin. The cubic structure is deformed by Enneper surface which is already made by Lunchbox plugin.

Mobius Dipyramid Definition

Mobius Dipyramid

In this Grasshopper Definition you can make a series of Dipyramids on a Mobius strip by using the Weaverbird and Parakeet Plugin.

Building Performance Sketching

Building Performance Sketching

This study by Elzine Braasch investigated the question of whether the distributed model method (DMM) could be perceived by the New Zealand building industry’s architects and engineers as overcoming barriers which prevent them from implementing building performance sketching within their design processes.

Grasshopper Annotations

Grasshopper Annotations

This publication is an elaboration of exercises provided in Andrew Payne and Rajaa Issa’s Grasshopper Primer. In addition, lessons outlined in Algorithmic Modeling with Grasshopper by Zubin Khabazi, are referenced as well as scripts written during Professor Kyle Talbott’s Microcosm Studio.

Eco Shaping Architectural Design

Eco Shaping Architecture

This paper by Zhao Jingtao proposes the theoretical framework of Eco-shaping Architectural Design Approach, explains its work flow and verifies the effectiveness in one architectural design practice.

Scaling Boxes Grasshopper Definition

Scaling Boxes

In this exercise file, you can learn how to scale a series of boxes by using the range and graph mapper to produce a non-linear distribution.

Generative Algorithms Weaving


‘Generative Algorithms’ by Zubin Khabazi which published on-line, was aimed to bring forward subjects and concepts on geometrical issues related to architectural design and some basic experiments using parametric modeling and algorithmic approach with Grasshopper.

Performance Driven Architecture

Performance Driven Architecture

Performance-driven architectural design by Xing Shi and Wenjie Yang, emphasizes on comprehensive optimization of various quantifiable performances of buildings. As the leading profession of a project team, architects play a vital role in conducting the performance-driven design.

Origami Grasshopper Tutorial

Origami Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial by Ivo A. Semerdjiev is to create a folding origami skin based on parametric principles. The first step is to make a square grided surface based on one convex and concave curves. Their z-axis planars are aligned and then arrayed.

3D Web Configurator

3D Web Configurator lets you upload and display your Grasshopper definitions online for free*, along with their parameters. Once uploaded, the system makes sure anyone in the world can access and edit your definition’s parameters via a web browser, while your scripts remain private and safe on servers located inside the EU.

Introduction to Grasshopper

Introduction to Grasshopper

Introduction to Grasshopper for Rhinoceros by Maria Mingallon contains examples that explain Data Storage: Objects, Scalars, Data Trees, Vectors. Curves (NURBS): Definition & type of curves Curve Analysis (Curve Domain), Surfaces (NURBS): Definition & Surface Analysis Surface Domain & Evaluate Surface and Manipulation of Curves & Surfaces.

Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial

Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial

Main goal of this project by woo jae sung is to make successive bridge-like structures based on parametric idea. The first step is to make a single component that reacts to the user inputs. The second step is to replicate the single component to get multiple components which behave under the same logic.

Grasshopper Primer

Grasshopper Primer

This is the second edition of grasshopper primer by Andrew Payne and Rajaa Issa. Rajaa is a developer at Robert McNeel and Associates and is the author of several other Rhino plugins including ArchCut and the ever popular PanelingTools.
