
Grasshopper Dendro

Dendro is a volumetric modeling plug-in for Grasshopper built on top of the OpenVDB library. It provides multiple ways to wrap points, curves, and meshes as a volumetric data type, allowing you to then perform various operations on those volumes. Dendro includes components for boolean, smoothing, offsets, and morphing operations.

Related Lessons & Examples

3D Maurer Rose
3D Maurer Rose
In this grasshopper definition by using the 3d Maurer rose formula and combining it with Dendro plug...
3D Voxel Pattern
3D Voxel Pattern
In this grasshopper definition by generating a truncated cubic grid you can give volume to it by usi...
3d Voxelized Pattern
In this grasshopper definition by creating two triangular grids which intersect and connecting their...
Agent based Torus
Agent based Torus
In this grasshopper example file you can use the Culebra plugin to flock a set of random points on a...
In this Grasshopper tutorial you will learn how the Arc component works and how you can give it an A...
Array Fractal
In this Grasshopper example file, you can use the Anemone plugin to design a polar array of branchin...
Bionic Growth
Bionic Growth
In this grasshopper definition you can model the growth of a bionic form by generating random partic...
Blob Candle Holder
Blob Candle Holder
In this Grasshopper example file you can Use The Dendro plugin to model a parametric candle holder a...
Branching Spiral
Branching Spiral
In this grasshopper example file you can model a spiral and then use the L-systems patterns (Rabbit...
Brep Voronoi
Brep Voronoi
In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a Voronoi structure inside a brep.
Ceiling Lamp Particles
Ceiling Lamp Particles
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Culebra plugin to simulate the flocking behaviour o...
Chain Simulation
Chain Simulation
In this Grasshopper example file, you can simulate a structure using chain simulations from the Spid...
Chaotic Pattern
Chaotic Pattern
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can model a Three Scroll Unified Chaotic pattern with Using th...
Circle CNR
In this Grasshopper example file, you'll learn how to use the 'Circle CNR' component to generate ran...
Circle Packing
Circle Packing
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Kangaroo plugin to create a parametric mesh based o...
Circle Packing Wall
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can design a Circle Packing Wall pattern using the Kangaroo an...
Culebra Facade
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Culebra2.0 plugin in order to simulate a series of...
Culebra Particle Structure
Culebra Particle Structure
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Culebra1.0 plugin to simulate a series of particles...
Curve Growth
In this grasshopper example file, you can simulate the growth of a series of polylines using the kan...
Curve Mapping
In this grasshopper definition you can use the Parakeet plugin to map any set of curves on a NURBS s...
Curve Pattern Array
Curve Pattern Array
In this grasshopper example file you can create a pattern by arraying a series of curves inside a re...
Curve to Mesh
Curve to Mesh
In this Grasshopper short tutorial we will analyze an algorithm which you can easily convert a serie...
Curve To Quad
Curve To Quad
In this Rhino Grasshopper script, you can learn how to convert a series of curves into a quad mesh u...
Curve To Volume
Curve To Volume
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how to convert a series of curves into a s...
Curve Tree
Curve Tree
In this grasshopper example file, you can model a curve branching fractal using the anemone plugin.
Curved Paneling
Curved Paneling
In this grasshopper example file you can generste a parametric panel pattern by defining a curve.
Decay Sphere
Decay Sphere
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a 3d parametric grid on a sphere by using the Dendr...
Decorative Room Divider
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Nursery plugin to simulate a series of random field...
Deform Mesh
In this Grasshopper example file, you can deform a NURBS surface with a point attractor and create a...
Dendro Difference
In this Grasshopper example file, you can use the Minimum Spanning Tree component from the Heteropte...
Dendro Facade
Dendro Facade
In this grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric facade by Extruding and Rotating a ser...
Dendro Field
Dendro Field
In this Grasshopper tutorial, you can generate a series of mirrored spin forces and then convert the...
Dendro Fractal Facade
Dendro Fractal Facade
In this Grasshopper example file, you can use the Physarealm plugin combined with the Dendro Plugin...
Dendro Point Charge
Dendro Point Charge
In this short video, you can see how you can use the points to volume componnt from the dendro plugi...
Dendro Ring
In this grasshopper example file you can generate a Minimum Spanning Tree using the heteroptera plug...
Dendro Table
Dendro Table
In this grasshopper example file you can create a parametric table by using the Dendro plugin and by...
Dendro Twisted Array
Dendro Twisted Array
In this grasshopper example file you can create a twisting voxelized form using the Dendro plugin.
Dendro Waffle
In this grasshopper example file, you can create a waffle structure by using the dendro plugin to ma...
Differential Growth Bowl
Differential Growth Bowl
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Kangaroo2 plugin to model a differential growth pat...
Differential Growth Cup
Differential Growth Cup
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners we will learn step-by-step how to generate a differential...
Differntial Growth
In this grasshopper tutorial for beginners we are going to take a look at Differntial Growth and how...
Discrete Lines
In this Grasshopper example file You can use the native grasshopper components combined with the Puf...
Discrete Twist
In this grasshopper definition you can create a recursive polyline which is connected and oriented b...
Nuclei Particles
Field Carving
In this Grasshopper example file, You can carve a field based pattern on a mesh using the Nursery an...
Field Contour
In this Grasshopper Dendro tutorial, you will create a series of contours from a mesh generated by f...
Field Dendro
Field Dendro
In this Grasshopper Dendro tutorial, you can learn how to create a growing mesh by defining a series...
Field Dome
Field Dome
In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric field based pattern on a dome using th...
Field Projection
Field Projection
In this Grasshopper example file, you can create a field and then project it on a Nurbs surface.
Field Trap
In this Grasshopper Dendro example file, you can use the Trap Field component from the Heteroptera p...
Field Travelers
In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric noise field and use the dendro plugin to...
Flocked Floor Lamp
Flocked Floor Lamp
In this grasshopper example file you can use the agent-based modeling plug-in “culebra” to run a flo...
Flocking Inside Mesh
Flocking Inside Mesh
In this grasshopper example file, you can simulate agents, flocking inside a mesh which is generated...
Flow Mesh
In this Grasshopper example file, you can simulate the flow of a series of points on a NURBS surface...
Fractal Table
Fractal Table
In this Grasshopper example file You can use the Rabbit plugin to create a parametric table based on...
fractal tree
fractal tree
In this grasshopper example file you can model a Fractal Based tree using L-systems .
Frame Ring
Frame Ring
In this grasshopper example file you can use the Dendro and Weaverbird plugin to model a parametric...
Growing Fractal Pattern
Growing Fractal Pattern
In this Grasshopper example file You can use the Physarealm plugin to create a growing fractal-based...
Growing Particles
Growing Particles
In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will learn how to model a series of growing particles from a base...
Growing Voxels
Growing Voxels
In this grasshopper definition, by distributing random points on a geometry and picking the closest...
Halvorsen Pattern
Halvorsen Pattern
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can model a Halvorsen 3D pattern by Using the Chimpanzee Plugi...
Helical Distribution
In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric helical distribution of a series of poin...
Hexagonal Dendro Pattern
Hexagonal Dendro Pattern
In this grasshopper example file you can create a hexagonal paneling pattern and combine it with the...
Hexagonal Lunchbox Pattern
Hexagonal Lunchbox Pattern
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the native Grasshopper components combined with the Lun...
Hybrid Voxel
In this grasshopper example file you can simulate the flocking of agents inside of a voxel geometry...
Iso Curve
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how to extract the U and V curves from a N...
Jellum Bulger
Jellum Bulger
In this grasshopper definition you can use the Jellum force (a force which affects a grid of points)...
Kangaroo Flow
Kangaroo Flow
In this Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial, you can discover how to simulate the flow of a series of part...
Kangaroo Mesh Box
In this Grasshopper example file you can use The Kangaroo2 plugin to deform a tensile mesh box by de...
L-System on Sphere
L-System on Sphere
In this grasshopper example file you can generate different L-system fractals on a sphere using the...
In this Grasshopper example file, you'll learn how to use the 'Line' component to generate random li...
Mesh Balloons
In this Grasshopper Kangaroo tutorial, you will create a series of expanding balloon meshes within a...
Mesh Constrain
In this Grasshopper script, you can use the NUCLEI plugin to design a parametric Mesh Constrain desi...
Mesh Noise Carving
In this Grasshopper example file you can create a Noise-based parametric mesh sphere using the Nurse...
Mesh Travelers
Mesh Travelers
In this grasshopper definition, you can simulate the movement of particles on a mesh by evaluating t...
Meta Ball Pavilion
Meta Ball Pavilion
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a Meta Ball Pavilion Using the Dendro Plugin.
Metaball Course
In this Grasshopper course, you will learn how to use the Metaball component in seven different desi...
Mirror Mesh
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can use the Pufferfish plugin combined with the Dendro to mode...
Mobius Strip
Mobius Strip
In This Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial, you can learn how to model a Mobius Strip step by step.
Net On Surface
Net On Surface
In this Grasshopper Example File, you can use the Pufferfish plugin to generate a net pattern on a s...
Net On Surface
In this grasshopper definition by using the “Net On Surface” component from Pufferfish Plugin you ca...
Noise Field
In this grasshopper example file, you can create a noise field by using the Heteroptera plugin.
Non-linear Voxelization
In this Grasshopper Dendro tutorial, you will create a parametric vase using a series of graph-mappe...
Nuclei Particles
Nuclei Particles
In this Grasshopper example file, You can simulate a series of particles on a Nurbs Surface using th...
Nuclei Voronoi
Nuclei Voronoi
In this grasshopper example file, you can manipulate a series of particles to follow a voronoi path...
Nursery Fields
Nursery Fields
In this grasshopper example file you can use the Nursery plugin to create and simulate parametric fi...
Optimized Column
Optimized Column
In this Grasshopper example file You can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a central Column for suppo...
Optimized Roof
In this Grasshopper example file you can use The tOpos Plugin to model an optimized column for a roo...
Optimized Suspension Bridge
Optimized Suspension Bridge
In this grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a suspension bridge.
Organic Mesh Pavilion
Organic Mesh Pavilion
in this grasshopper example file, you can Displace Mesh and Design a Organic Pavilion Using 3D Proxi...
Organic Pattern
In this grasshopper definition by modeling a series of circles and generating twisted curves around...
Organic Standing Lamp
Organic Standing Lamp
In this grasshopper example file you can model an agent-base simulation to design a standing lamp by...
Parametric Clothes
Parametric Clothes
In this grasshopper example file you can use a combination of Force field components and the Stella3...
Parametric Cup
Parametric Cup
In this Rhino Grasshopper tutorial you will learn how to model a parametric cup by using the Dendro...
Parametric Lamp
Parametric Lamp
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric lamp shade using circular curves proje...
Parametric Ramp Railing
Parametric Ramp Railing
In this grasshopper example file, you can Create a Spherical Helix Curve around a Ramp and then use...
Parametric Ring
In this Grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric ring based on fields using the Heterop...
Parametric Shoe
In this Grasshopper Dendro example file, you can use the Kangaroo2 plugin to design a series of para...
parametric stool
parametric stool
In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric stool based on a series of agents and th...
Parametric Table
In this grasshopper example file, you can model a Parametric table with a recrusive 3D pattern and b...
Parametric Vase
Parametric Vase
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric pattern on a vase by using the Bezier...
Parametric Vase
In this Grasshopper tutorial, you will create a parametric vase by twisting a morphed form on a NURB...
Parametric Wall
Parametric Wall
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Pufferfish and Kangaroo plugin to model a parametri...
Particle Pavilion
Particle Pavilion
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the CulebraV1.0 to create a series of particles and use...
Particle Skyscraper
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Culebra plugin to simulate the flocking motion of a...
Particles Facade
Particles Facade
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Culebra plugin to simulate a swarmy behaviour of a...
Particles on Surface
Particles on Surface
In this Grasshopper example file you can simulate a series of Particles growing on a Nurbs surface u...
Perlin Noise
In this Grasshopper tutorial, you can learn how to generate Perlin noise on a surface and convert it...
Perlin Noise Pottery
Perlin Noise Pottery
In this grasshopper example file, you can model a a parametric shape by defining a series of circles...
Physarealm Chair
Physarealm Chair
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Physarealm plugin to simulate a parametric chair wi...
Physarealm Growth
Physarealm Growth
In this grasshopper example file you can use the Physarealm plugin to simlulate a series of growing...
Physarealm Roof
Physarealm Roof
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Physarealm plugin to simulate the growth of a voxel...
Pipe Variable
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how the Pipe Variable components works
Pneumatic Tyre
Pneumatic Tyre
In this grasshopper example file, you can simulate an inflated parametric tire by using the Kangaroo...
Point Polar
In this Grasshopper example file, you'll learn how to use the 'Point Polar' component to generate ro...
Point to Volume
Point to Volume
In this grasshopper definition you can use a 3d point cloud to voxelize the final parametric form by...
Polar Growth
In this grasshopper shortetwalk example file, you can create a series of parametric polar branches b...
4- Polar Voxel
Polar Voxel
In this Paracourse Lesson we are going to use polar coordinates to model a parametric spiral. We wil...
Polyline Attractor
Polyline Attractor
In this grasshopper example file you can use the “Lorenz Attractor” component from the Chimpanzee`s...
Porosity Pottery
Porosity Pottery
In this grasshopper example file, you can create a parametric model by moving a series of random poi...
Proximity Regions
In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric form by generating a series of random po...
Proximity Structure
Proximity Structure
In this Paracourse lesson, we are going to learn how to use Proximity 3D to connect a series of poin...
Pufferfish Displace Mesh
Pufferfish Displace Mesh
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the Pufferfish Displace Mesh component to deform a mesh...
Quelea Installation
Quelea Installation
In this grasshopper example file, you can model a Agent-based installation using the Quelea plugin a...
Rabbit L System
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric ngl System by using the Weaverbird , D...
Random Connection
Random Connection
In this Grasshopper example file you can generate a series of random points on a base surface and th...
Random Dendro Facade
In this grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric facade with random cross lines by using...
Random Planes Intersections
Random Planes Intersections
In this grasshopper example file, you can model a parametric mesh from the intersection of a box wit...
Rolling Sphere Spirograph
Rolling Sphere Spirograph
In this grasshopper definition by creating relative tangent spheres which revolve around each other...
Rotting Mesh
In this grasshopper definition you can model a mesh as its rotting down. You can actually use the An...
Sine*Cosine Frames
Sine*Cosine Frames
In this grasshopper definition you can model a wavy like frame structure around a sphere. First we w...
Slime Mold Coffee Table
Slime Mold Coffee Table
In this grasshopper example file you can use the Physarealm plugin to model a parametric stand for a...
Space Colonization
Space Colonization
In this grasshopper script you can create a tree like structure with the space Colonization Algorith...
Spanning Tree
In this grasshopper example file you can generate a Minimum Spanning Tree using the heteroptera plug...
Sphere Collide
Sphere Collide
In this Grasshopper example file, you can simulate a differential growth pattern on a curve by using...
Spherical Gradient Pattern
In this grasshopper example file you can create a parametric pattern on a sphere based on the height...
Spin Field
Spin Field
In this Grasshopper tutorial, you can generate a series of random spin forces and then convert them...
Spin Force
Spin Force
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how to use the Spin Force component to gen...
Spin Force On Conoid Surface
In this grasshopper example file, you can simulate a spin force on a conoid surface.
Spiral Deform
Spiral Deform
In this grasshopper exmple file you can use the dendro plugin to Spirally deform a base plane surfac...
Spiral Metaballl
In this Grasshopper example file, you will learn how to create a spiral-based metaball using the Den...
Stella3d #1
In this Rhino Grasshopper tutorial, we are going to introduce a new plugin developed by our team cal...
Stella3D Particles
In this Rhino Grasshopper example file, you can design a growing mesh using the Stella3d and Dendro...
Stereographic Projection
In this grasshopper example file we have used a stereographic projection combined with the dendro pl...
Surface Differential Growth
Surface Differential Growth
In this grasshopper example file you can use the Kangaroo2 Plugin to simulate a differential growth...
Swarm Fashion
Swarm Fashion
In this grasshopper definition we have used the Quelea plugin for agent base modeling. By changing t...
Table Field
In this Grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric table by defining fields from the Hete...
Table Topology Optimization
Table Topology Optimization
In this grasshopper Example file you can use the Topos Plugin to optimize a table based on Topology...
Tensile Canopy
Tensile Canopy
in this grasshopper example file you can design a parametric sunshade and use the Kangaroo 2 Plugin...
Topology Column
Topology Column
In this grasshopper example file you can simulate a parametric toplogy optimization for a column usi...
tOpos Bridge
tOpos Bridge
In this grasshopper example file you can design an optimized bridge using tOpos plugin.
tOpos Building Slabs
tOpos Building Slabs
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to generate an optimized central struc...
tOpos Footbridge
tOpos Footbridge
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a parametric bridge for pe...
tOpos Growing Pavilion
tOpos Growing Pavilion
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a parametric shade and the...
tOpos Headphone Stand
tOpos Headphone Stand
In this grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a headphone stand.
Topos Joint
Topos Joint
In this grasshopper example file, you can optimize a set of joints by using the Topos plugin.
tOpos Joint
tOpos Joint
In this Grasshopper Example File, You can generate a parametric joint using the tOpos plugin.
tOpos Joint
tOpos Joint
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to design a parametric joint for a set...
tOpos Parametric Column
tOpos Parametric Column
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a parametric column.
Topos Supports
Topos Supports
In this grasshopper example file, you can optimize a set of pillars for a roof using the Topos plugi...
tOpos Table
tOpos Table
In this grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a stand for a table.
tOpos Table Stand
tOpos Table Stand
In this Grasshopper example file you can use the tOpos plugin to optimize a set of 3d-printable stan...
Transport networks
In this Grasshopper script, you can use the NUCLEI plugin to design an optimized series of transport...
Unified Joint
Unified Joint
In this grasshopper example file you can create a unified joint from the intersection of a series of...
Vector Field
In this Grasshopper script, you can use the NUCLEI plugin to design a parametric Vector Field.
Voronoi Mesh
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how to give a radius to a series of vorono...
Voronoi Ring
Voronoi Ring
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners, you will learn how to design a voronoi ring and convert...
Voronoi Shoe
Voronoi Shoe
In this grasshopper example file, you can design a 3D voronoi pattern on a shoe by using the 3D voro...
Voronoi Tower
Voronoi Tower
In this grasshopper example file, you can create random Voronoi 3D cells and then use the attractor...
Voxel Point Charges
In this grasshopper definition you can extract the iso curves of a sphere, divide them into points a...
Voxelized Mesh
Voxelized Mesh
In this grasshopper tutorial, we will learn how to convert a mesh into a series of voxelized boxes.
Voxelized Table Stand
In this grasshopper example file you can model a parametric table by generating random points and vo...
Voxelized Twist
Voxelized Twist
In this grasshopper definition by generating a series of rotating planes based on Perlin Noise you c...
Water Flow Simulation
Water Flow Simulation
In this grasshopper example file, you can simulate a series of water flow path curves by using the A...
Wave Ring
In this Grasshopper example file, you can design a parametric ring based on a 3D wave pattern using...
Weave Mesh
In this Grasshopper Dendro tutorial, you will create a 3D weaving pattern on a NURBS surface by defi...

Dendro Plugin

Dendro is a volumetric modeling plug-in for Grasshopper built on top of the OpenVDB library. It provides multiple ways to wrap points, curves, and meshes as a volumetric data type, allowing you to then perform various operations on those volumes. Dendro includes components for boolean, smoothing, offsets, and morphing operations.

Installation instructions are in the PDF. Make sure you have disabled COFF and all the files are unblocked.

Dendro is built to run on x64 architectures only. If you want to target a specific Rhino SDK, then you can download the source and build that with minimal steps. Instructions are found on Github.