Grasshopper Dendro
Dendro is a volumetric modeling plug-in for Grasshopper built on top of the OpenVDB library. It provides multiple ways to wrap points, curves, and meshes as a volumetric data type, allowing you to then perform various operations on those volumes. Dendro includes components for boolean, smoothing, offsets, and morphing operations.
Related Lessons & Examples
3D Maurer Rose
3D Voxel Pattern
3d Voxelized Pattern
Agent based Torus
Array Fractal
Bionic Growth
Blob Candle Holder
Branching Spiral
Ceiling Lamp Particles
Chain Simulation
Chaotic Pattern
Circle CNR
Circle Packing
Circle Packing Wall
Culebra Facade
Culebra Particle Structure
Curve Growth
Curve Mapping
Curve Pattern Array
Curve to Mesh
Curve To Quad
Curve To Volume
Curve Tree
Curved Paneling
Decay Sphere
Decorative Room Divider
Deform Mesh
Dendro Difference
Dendro Facade
Dendro Field
Dendro Fractal Facade
Dendro Point Charge
Dendro Ring
Dendro Table
Dendro Twisted Array
Dendro Waffle
Differential Growth Bowl
Differential Growth Cup
Differntial Growth
Discrete Lines
Discrete Twist
Field Carving
Field Contour
Field Dendro
Field Dome
Field Projection
Field Trap
Field Travelers
Flocked Floor Lamp
Flocking Inside Mesh
Fractal Table
Frame Ring
Growing Fractal Pattern
Growing Particles
Growing Voxels
Halvorsen Pattern
Helical Distribution
Hexagonal Dendro Pattern
Hexagonal Lunchbox Pattern
Hybrid Voxel
Jellum Bulger
Kangaroo Flow
Kangaroo Mesh Box
L-System on Sphere
Mesh Balloons
Mesh Constrain
Mesh Noise Carving
Mesh Travelers
Meta Ball Pavilion
Metaball Course
Mirror Mesh
Mobius Strip
Net On Surface
Net On Surface
Noise Field
Non-linear Voxelization
Nuclei Particles
Nuclei Voronoi
Nursery Fields
Optimized Column
Optimized Roof
Optimized Suspension Bridge
Organic Mesh Pavilion
Organic Pattern
Organic Standing Lamp
Parametric Clothes
Parametric Cup
Parametric Lamp
Parametric Ramp Railing
Parametric Ring
Parametric Shoe
parametric stool
Parametric Table
Parametric Vase
Parametric Vase
Parametric Wall
Particle Pavilion
Particle Skyscraper
Particles Facade
Particles on Surface
Perlin Noise
Perlin Noise Pottery
Physarealm Chair
Physarealm Growth
Physarealm Roof
Pipe Variable
Pneumatic Tyre
Point Polar
Point to Volume
Polar Growth
Polar Voxel
Polyline Attractor
Porosity Pottery
Proximity Regions
Proximity Structure
Pufferfish Displace Mesh
Quelea Installation
Rabbit L System
Random Connection
Random Dendro Facade
Random Planes Intersections
Rolling Sphere Spirograph
Rotting Mesh
Sine*Cosine Frames
Slime Mold Coffee Table
Space Colonization
Spanning Tree
Sphere Collide
Spherical Gradient Pattern
Spin Field
Spin Force
Spin Force On Conoid Surface
Spiral Deform
Spiral Metaballl
Stella3d #1
Stella3D Particles
Stereographic Projection
Surface Differential Growth
Swarm Fashion
Table Field
Table Topology Optimization
Tensile Canopy
Topology Column
tOpos Bridge
tOpos Building Slabs
tOpos Footbridge
tOpos Growing Pavilion
tOpos Headphone Stand
Topos Joint
tOpos Joint
tOpos Joint
tOpos Parametric Column
Topos Supports
tOpos Table
tOpos Table Stand
Transport networks
Unified Joint
Vector Field
Voronoi Mesh
Voronoi Ring
Voronoi Shoe
Voronoi Tower
Voxel Point Charges
Voxelized Mesh
Voxelized Table Stand
Voxelized Twist
Water Flow Simulation
Weave Mesh
Download Dendro Plugin
Dendro Plugin
Dendro is a volumetric modeling plug-in for Grasshopper built on top of the OpenVDB library. It provides multiple ways to wrap points, curves, and meshes as a volumetric data type, allowing you to then perform various operations on those volumes. Dendro includes components for boolean, smoothing, offsets, and morphing operations.
Installation instructions are in the PDF. Make sure you have disabled COFF and all the files are unblocked.
Dendro is built to run on x64 architectures only. If you want to target a specific Rhino SDK, then you can download the source and build that with minimal steps. Instructions are found on Github.