Grasshopper kangaroo
Kangaroo is a Live Physics engine for interactive simulation, form-finding, optimization and constraint solving.
Related Lessons & Examples
3d Surface Weave
3D Tiling Tesselation
3D Voronoi Partition
Aggregation Tensile Structure
Aquatic Tower
Attractor Diamonds
Attractor Pattern
Balloon Car
Balloon Dog
Beijing Tower
Bending Rod1
Blend Curves
Boundary Cutters
Catenary Kangaroo Structure
Centre Pompidou Metz
Circle in Curves
Circle Pack Mesh
Circle Pack pt Attractor
Circle Packing
Circle Packing
Circle Packing
Circle Packing Attractor
Circle Packing Boundary
Circle Packing Dome
Circle Packing Dome
Circle Packing Dome
Circle Packing Image
Circle Packing Pavilion
Circle Packing Split
Circle Packing T-Shirt
Circle Packing Table
Circle Packing Wall
Circular Anchor Simulation
Circular Pavilion
Cloth Simulation
Cloth Simulation
Cloth Stretching Simulation
Collide Lines
Collide Sphere
Complex Transform
Conceptual Tensile
Contorted Necklace
Curve Growth
Curve Growth
Data visualization
Diagonal Panels
Diagonalize tower
Diagrid Structure
Diamond Cell
Diamond Windows
Differential Growth Bowl
Differential Growth Curves
Differential Growth Kangaroo
Differential Growth Pavilion
Differential Growth Puzzle
Differential Growth Puzzle
Differential Growth Surface
Differential Growth Tensile
Diffusion Facade
Diffusion Ring
Dini Lamp Shade
Distance Curve Charge
Distorted Voronoi Table
Elastic Grass Simulation
Elastic Kangaroo Mesh
Faceted Lamp Shade
Flag Waving
Foldable Skyscraper
Genome Facade
Glazed Spaceframe
Gothic Sculpture
Grab Building
Grab Surface
Grab Surface
Grid Shell Vault
GridShell Pavilion
Growing Ring
Growth Facade
Hamiltonian Path
Hexagonal Building
Hexagonal Mobius Transform
Hexagonal Pavilion
Image to Mesh
Inflatable Sofa
Inflate Strips
Inflated Kangaroo Mesh
Inflated Roof
Inflating Balloon
Inflating Kangaroo Bench
Ivy Patterns
Kangaroo Anchor
Kangaroo Anchor Mesh
Kangaroo Anchors
Kangaroo Balls Collide
Kangaroo Basics
Kangaroo Chair
Kangaroo Cloth
Kangaroo Elastic Tower
Kangaroo Flow
Kangaroo Form
Kangaroo Inflate Mesh
Kangaroo Inflated Mesh
Kangaroo inflated Structure
Kangaroo Lamp
Kangaroo Lunchbox Roof
Kangaroo Maze Inflation
Kangaroo Mechanism
Kangaroo Mesh
Kangaroo Mesh
Kangaroo Mesh Box
Kangaroo Mesh Deform
Kangaroo Mesh Expansion
Kangaroo Mesh Pavilion
Kangaroo Mesh Pavilion
Kangaroo Mesh Structure
Kangaroo MetaBall Structure
Kangaroo Parametric Dome
Kangaroo Pavilion
Kangaroo Pavilion
Kangaroo Pavilion
Kangaroo Pavilion
Kangaroo Physics 2D Truss
Kangaroo Plastic Anchor
Kangaroo Polygonal Pavilion
Kangaroo Radial Tensile
Kangaroo Reciprocal Frame
Kangaroo Relaxed
Kangaroo ReMesh
Kangaroo Roof Structure
Kangaroo Select Edge
Kangaroo Space Frame
Kangaroo Sticky Blob
Kangaroo Structure
Kangaroo Tensile
Kangaroo Tensile Dome
Kangaroo Tensile Installation
Kangaroo Tensile Mesh
Kangaroo Tensile Shell
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Tensile Structure
Kangaroo Voronoi
Kangaroo Waffle Pavilion
Kangaroo Waffle Table
Kinetic Wall
Kinetic Wind Facade
Kolon One & Only Tower
Leg Mechanism
London Shooting Venue
Maze on Mesh
Mesh Anchors
Mesh Balloons
Mesh Column Structure
Mesh Explosion
Mesh Paper Cut
Mesh Pattern
Mesh To Nurbs
Mesh+ Facade
Mesh+ Lunchbox Tower
Metaball by Curve
Millipede Kangaroo
Minimal 2 Arc
Minimal Surface Chair
Minimal Surface from Edges
Minimal Surface Installation
Minimal Surface Table
Mirrored Tensile Structure
Mobius Transformation
Mobius Transformation Structure
Multipipe Kangaroo
Newton’s Cradle
Origami Basics
Origami Building
Origami Folding
Panelized Canopy
Parameric Roof
Parametric Building
Parametric Chandelier
Parametric Cones
Parametric Connection
Parametric Earrings
Parametric Prism
Parametric Shoe
Parametric Table
Parametric Vault
Parametric Wall Pattern
Particles Collision
Perlin Noise
Planar Curves Shell
Planar Ngon
Pneumatic Mesh plane
Pneumatic Pattern
Pneumatic Tyre
Polygonal Kangaroo Mesh
Polygonal Ramp
Polyine to Structure
Polyline to Diagrid
Project Details
Rabbit Fractal Shade
Radial Kangaroo Mesh
Radial Tensile Structure
Random Anchors
Random Connection
Reciprocal Ball
Relaxing Roof
Rigid Body
Rigid Body
Rigid Body Collision
Seaweed Simulation
Serpentine Sackler Gallery
Shrinking Boundary
Simple Circle Packing
Simple Tensegrity
Skysong (ASU Campus)
Slipper Pattern
Smooth Truss
Soap Film Pavilion
Solid Point Collide
Space Frame Attractor
Sphere Collide
Sphere Collide
Sphere Collide
Spiral Ramp Pattern
Squishy Bubbles
Surface Ripple
Tensile Facade
Tensile Form
Tensile Kangaroo
Tensile Mesh
Tensile Pattern
Tensile Structure
Tensile Structure
Tensile Surface Along Curve
Tensile Surface Simulation
Tensile Tree Structure
Tornado Twist
Tree column structure
Triangulated Lamp
Twisted Kangaroo Pavilion
Twisted Relax Mesh
Volume From Curve
Voronoi Facade
Voronoi Panels
Voxelized Building
Waffle Pavilion
Weaved Cloth Collision
Weaverbird Grasshopper
Wind Pavilion
Download kangaroo Plugin
kangaroo Plugin
Kangaroo is a Live Physics engine for interactive simulation, form-finding, optimization and constraint solving.
It consists of a solver library and a set of Grasshopper components.
Installation instructions and a draft manual are included with the latest download.
Kangaroo is now included with Rhino 6 and 7 and if you are using a current version you do not need to download or install it from here.
For all questions and discussion please visit
or click the ‘Website’ link to the right
Versions 0.096 to 0.099 make use of the Plankton halfedge mesh library by myself and and Will Pearson, released under the terms of the LGPL license ( )